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ISSN: 0212-9728 (edición impresa / print edition); ISSN: 1695-2294 (edición web / web edition)
2006, volume 22, issue #1 (june), pp. 1-167
You are the visitor #:  from May 25, 2006

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Index and full text

Psychology of emergencies and catastrophes

01: Hillers Rodríguez, R., and Rey Bruguera, M.: Follow-up survey of the special unit of psychological attention at summa 112 after the terrorist attacks on 11th march in Madrid. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 1-10)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

02: Sigales Ruiz, S.R.: Catastrophe, Victims and Consequences: Toward a psychological definition. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 11-21)
Full text in pdf format [article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

03: Sigales Ruiz, S.R.: Longitudinal evaluation of the effects of posttraumatic stress after an industrial catastrophe. The case of San Juan Ixhuatepec community (Mexico). (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 22-28)
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04: Bulut, S.: Comparing the earthquake exposed and non-exposed Turkish children’s Post Traumatic Stress Reactions. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 29-36)
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[article in English; only abstract and key words in Spanish]

Clinical and Health Psychology

05: Remor, E., Amorós, M., and Carrobles, J.A.: Relationship between optimism, anger experience and symptoms of physical distress. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 37-44)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

06: Segura Bernal, J., Ferrer Ventura, M., Palma Sevillano, C., Ger Cabero, S., Domènech Cortés, M., Gutiérrez Blanch, I., and Cebrià Andreu, J.: Personal and professional values in primary care physicians and your relation with burnout syndrome. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 45-51)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

07: Díaz-Morales, J.F.: Future time perspective and life-span. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 52-59)
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 [article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

08: Robles Montijo, S., Moreno Rodríguez, D., Frías Arroyo, B., Rodríguez Cervantes, M., Barroso Villegas, R., DíazGonzáles y Anaya, E., Rodríguez Campuzano, M.L., and Hernández Pozo, R.: Behavioural training in partner communication and correct condom use skills. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 60-71)
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 [article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

Social Psychology

09: Ramírez de la Fe, M.C., Rodríguez Pérez, A., and Rodríguez González, A.: Crossed categorization restrictions with atypical crossing of categories: The affective state impact. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 72-75)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

10: Mª Carmen Ramírez de la Fe, and Ángel Rodríguez González: Predictive variables of the attitude toward immigrants in the Region of Murcia (Spain). (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 76-80)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

11: Espelt, E., Javaloy, F., and Cornejo, J.M.: Subtle and blatant prejudice scales: One or two dimensions?. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 81-88)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English] 

12: Castro Solano, A.: Implicit leadership theories, context and leadership position. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 89-97)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

Developmental and Educational Psychology

13: Galián Conesa, M.D., Carranza Carnicero, J.A., and Escudero Sanz, A.J.: Style variation in early language acquisition. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 98-104)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

14: León del Barco, B.: Mediatory elements in the efficiency of cooperative learning: Previous training in social skills and group dynamics. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 105-112)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]


15: Nava Cruz, G., and Valdez Ramírez, P.: Hemineglect in children. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 113-119)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

Cognitive Psychology

16: Minervino, R.A., Adrover, J.F., and de la Fuente Arnanz, J.: The limits of the standard model about the semantic factor in analogical mapping. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 120-131)  [article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]
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Psychology of Sport

17: Ruiz, L.M., and Sánchez, M.: The study and analysis of sport experts: a psychological approach. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 132-142)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]


18: Núñez Núñez, R.M., and López Pina, J.A.: Aberrant patterns detection methods. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 143-154)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]

19: Varela Mallou, J., García Carreira, A., Manzano Arrondo, V. y Rial Boubeta, A.: Development of an index to assess the brand image of tourist destinations (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 155-160)
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[article in English; only abstract and key words in Spanish]

20: Benavente, A., Ato, M., and López, J.J.: Methods for detecting and assessing the interrater bias. (2006, vol. 22, nº 1, pp. 161-167)
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[article in Spanish; only abstract and key words in English]