Backbone Spain workshops


This is the website of the Spanish research team behind Backbone, SACODEYL, LINDSEI-UMU-Spain, and ICCI-UMU-Spain.


Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Postgraduate Conference on Learner Corpora: Call for Papers


Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Postgraduate Conference on Learner Corpora: Call for Papers

TUFS G-COE Program is a government-funded 5-year project, in which we aim to integrate corpus linguistics (data analysis) into field linguistics (data collection) and language teaching (application). As a part of the final symposium, we will provide an opportunity for postgraduates to share their research, and to receive feedback on it, in a friendly and supportive environment. The Conference is followed by the main G-COE International Symposium on Learner Corpora (the 15th – 18th), allowing postgraduates to stay on and attend presentations by more established researchers. You will be also welcome to the evening reception on the 16th.

Theme: Learner Corpus Research

- Papers can be submitted on any related topics on learner corpora (design, compilation, annotation, analysis, application) in the context of SLA and foreign language learning and teaching.

- Any on-going research or tentative data analysis is also welcome.

- Any target language is welcome.

Conference Date: 14 March 2011

Official language: English

Abstracts: Abstract Submission Deadline: 24 December 2010

The following information should be included in the Application Form and be sent to the following address:

- Abstracts (max. 300 words) plus bibliographical references

- Author’s name, affiliations, & contact details specified in the Application Form.

- Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by 20 January 2010.

- Presentation length: 20 minutes + 10 min discussion

- Presenters will be invited to submit a 3,000-word paper to be published as a part of the G-COE Report. 

The deadline will be notified later at the Conference.


1. There will be no financial support for the Conference. Reservation of accommodations as well as transportations to and from the conference venue has to be taken care of on their own.

2. For those who travel from outside of Japan, some of you might need to obtain visa prior to entering Japan. Please contact the nearest Japanese Embassy in your country to check the list of necessary documents for applying for Japanese visa.

Authenticating Language Learning: Web Collaboration Meets Pedagogic Corpora


CFP Symposium “Authenticating Language Learning: Web Collaboration Meets Pedagogic Corpora" organised by the Applied English Linguistics group at the University of Tübingen (Germany), in cooperation with the Eurocall CorpusCALL and CMC SIGs.

The symposium will take place from 17-19 February 2011 (Thursday-Saturday) at the English Department, University of Tübingen.



Against the backdrop of a 'socio-constructivist' approach, this event will focus on combining web collaboration and pedagogic applications of corpora in order to facilitate and strengthen authentication in language learning and teaching. Emphasis is thus on both content and communication-based learning activities and on how computer mediated communication (CMC) and corpus methodologies can be pedagogically integrated for generating innovative synergies. Promising contexts of pedagogic application include in particular content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and language learning for intercultural communication.

Our aim is to take stock of the current state of affairs in corpus and CMC-based language learning and teaching, to explore integrative pedagogic concepts and tasks, and to propose new research perspectives. Special attention will be given to the needs and purposes of 'young' researchers in the field.

The symposium will take the following STRUCTURE:

Pathway lectures will introduce key topics in corpus and CMC-based language learning in order to provide a research context and orientation for the paper sessions and workshops. The lectures will be delivered by

Ana Frankenberg-Garcia, ISLA & Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Bernd Rüschoff, University of Duisburg-Essen

Steven Thorne, University of Groningen & Portland State University

Paper presentations and posters are welcome from participants to discuss their own research objectives, approaches and findings in this area.

Workshops will offer hands-on practice in pedagogic corpus processing and web collaboration in relation to relevant research perspectives and methodologies.

A round table discussion will provide a synthesis of major insights and outlooks for future activities.


Participants should ideally be involved in research and practice in the field of CALL with an interest in pedagogic corpora and/or CMC-based language learning teaching. The symposium will be of particular interest to researchers and Ph.D. students who are working in this area.


We welcome proposals for 20-minute paper presentations (plus 20 minutes discussion) or for posters focusing on using corpora and CMC to foster authentication in content and communication-based language learning and teaching.

Please submit a 300 word abstract (including a title) by 22 November 2010. More information will become available on the website. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out during the week beginning 13 December 2010.We also kindly ask you to send us a short bio and a thumbnail picture of you for the website (should your abstract be accepted).


An attendance fee of 65 Euro covers participation in the symposium as well as all lunch and coffee breaks.


This event is being organised in collaboration with EUROCALL, the European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning, and the European LLP projects "BACKBONE: Corpora for Content and Language Integrated Learning" and "icEurope: Intercultural Communication between English Language Classes in Europe".

2010 Workshops

CALICO 2010: Annotating pedagogic corpora collaboratively

TALC 2010

Previous Workshops

TALC 2008: Annotating pedagogy: implementing language teaching and learning-oriented annotation on corpora



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