Maximo Camacho

Former and current Ph.D students
Salvador Ramallo
Obtained his Ph.D in 2023 at Universidad de Murcia (Interuniversity Doctorate in Economics)
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
   1. Camacho, M., Ramallo, S., and Ruiz, M. 2024. Forecasting recessions after the Covid-19 pandemic. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.
    2. Ramallo, S., Camacho, M., Ruiz, M., and Porfiri, M. 2023. A dynamic factor model to predict homicides with firearm in the United States. Journal of Criminal Justice 86: 102051.
    3. Camacho, M., Ramallo, S., and Ruiz, M. 2021. Price and spatial distribution office rental in Madrid: a decision tree analysis.
EconomiA 44: 20-40.
    4. Camacho, M., Ramallo, S. 2020. ¿Qué indicadores económicos adelantan las recesiones en España? Papeles de Economia Española 165: 33-51. 
Ana Rodriguez Santiago
Obtained her Ph.D in 2022 at Universidad de Huelva Co-advisor: Emilio Congregado
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
    1. Rodríguez-Santiago, A. 2022. Re-Evaluating the relationship between economic development and self-employment, at the macro-level: A Bayesian model averaging approach. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 7: 20-25.
     2. Rodríguez-Santiago, A. 2019. What has Changed After the Great Recession on the European Cyclical Patterns? Journal of  Business Cycle Research 15: 121–146.
Angela Caro
Obtained her Ph.D in 2020 at  Universidad Carlos III Co-advisor: Daniel Peña
First employment after PhD at Universidad de Malaga
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
Camacho, M., Caro, A., and Peña, D. 2023. What drives industrial energy prices? Economic Modelling 120: 106158.
    2. Camacho, M., Caro, A., and Lopez-Buenache, G. 2020. The two-speed Europe in business cycle synchronization. Empirical Economics59: 1069-1084.
Gonzalo Palmieri
Obtained his Ph.D in 2019 at Universidad de Murcia (Interuniversity Doctorate in Economics).
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
       1. Camacho, M., and Palmieri, G. 2021 .  Evaluating OECD’s main economic indicators at anticipating recessions. Journal of  Forecasting 40: 80-93.
      2. Camacho, M., and Palmieri, G. 2019. Do economic recessions cause inequality to rise?. Journal of Applied Economics 22: 304-320.
Camacho, M., and Palmieri, G. 2017. Latin American cycles: Has anything changed after the Great Recession?. Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade, 5: 1170-1183.
Matias Pacce
Obtained his Ph.D in 2017 at Universidad de Alicante: 2016. Co-advisor: Gabriel Perez Quiros
First employment after PhD at BBVA Research
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
    1. Camacho, M., and Pacce, M. 2017.  Forecasting travelers in Spain with Google queries, In Tourism Economics 24: 434-448.
German Lopez Buenache
Obtained his Ph.D in 2015 at Universidad de Alicante. Co-advisor: Gabriel Perez Quiros
First employment after PhD at Universidad Carlos III
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
Lopez-Buenache, G. 2019. The evolution of monetary policy effectiveness under macroeconomic instability. Economic Modelling, forthcoming.
    2. Lopez-Buenache, G. 2017. Monetary policy evaluation. A counterfactual analysis based on dynamic factor models. Applied Economics Letters, 24: 460-466.
    3. Lopez-Buenache, G. 2018. Forecast accuracy of small and large models in developing countries. Review of Development Economics 22: 63-78.
Danilo Leiva Leon
Obtained his Ph.D in 2013 at Universidad de Alicante. Co-advisor: Gabriel Perez Quiros
First employment after PhD at Bank of Canada
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
    1. Barnett, W., Chauvet, M. and Leiva Leon, D. 2016. Real-Time Nowcasting Nominal GDP Under Structural Break. Journal of Econometrics, 191: 312-324.
   2. Leiva Leon, D. 2014. Real vs. nominal cycles: a multistate Markov-switching bi-factor approach.
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 18(5) 557-580.
  3. Leiva Leon. 2017. Measuring Business Cycles Intra-Synchronization in US: A Regime-Switching Interdependence Framework. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.
Rocio Alvarez
Obtained her Ph.D in 2012 at Universidad de Alicante. Co-advisor: Gabriel Perez Quiros
First employment after PhD at Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
  1. Alvarez, R., Camacho, M., and Ruiz, M. 2018. In Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, forthcoming.
 2. Alvarez, R., Camacho, M., and Perez Quiros, G. 2016. Aggregate versus disaggregate information in dynamic factor models. International Journal Forecasting32: 680-694.
Marcos dal Bianco
Obtained his Ph.D in 2010 at Universidad de Alicante. Co-advisor: Gabriel Perez Quiros
First employment after PhD at BBVA Research
Published papers from Ph.D thesis:
    1. dal Bianco. 2008. Argentinean real exchange rate 1900-2006, test purchasing power parity theory. Estudios de Economia 35: 33-64.
    2. dal Bianco, Camacho and Perez Quiros 2012. Short-Run forecasting of the euro-dollar exchange rate with economic fundamentals. Journal of International Money and Finance 31: 377-396
Yuliya Lovcha
Obtained her Ph.D in 2010 at Universidad de Alicante. Co-advisor: Gabriel Perez Quiros
First employment after PhD at Universidad de Navarra
Published papers from Ph.D thesis:
    1. Lovcha, Y., and Perez-Laborda, A. 2015. The hours worked-productivity puzzle: identification in a fractional integration setting. Macroeconomic Dynamics 19: 1593-1621.
Lovcha, Y., and Perez-Laborda, A.2013. Is Exchange rate - Customer order flow relationship linear? Evidence from the Hungarian FX market. Journal of International Money and Finance 35: 20-35
Aida Galiano
Obtained her Ph.D in 2009 at Universidad de Alicante. Co-advisor: Gabriel Perez Quiros
First employment after PhD at Economic Strategies and Initiatives S.L.
Published papers from Ph.D thesis:
    1. Camacho, M., and Galiano, A. 2009. Income distribution changes across the 1990s expansion: the role of taxes and transfers. Economics Bulletin 4: 3177-3185
Silvio di Sanzo
Obtained his Ph.D in 2008 at Universidad de Alicante. Co-advisor: Gabriel Perez Quiros
First employment after PhD at  Prometaia
Published papers from master thesis or Ph.D thesis:
 1. Perez Alonso, A., and di Sanzo, S. 2010. Unemployment and hysteresis: a nonlinear unobserved components approach. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 15, Art. 2
   2. di Sanzo, S. 2010. Output Fluctuations Persistence: Do Cyclical Shocks Matter? Bulletin of Economic Research 63: 28-52
 3. di Sanzo. 2009 Testing for linearity in Markov switching models: a bootstrap approach. Statistical Methods and Applications 18: 153-168