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ELEA Ltd is one of the most dynamic companies in the field of information technology in Greece. It was founded in 1982. Nowadays it covers the following fields of activity:

  1. Documentation applications: it develops applications of electronic filing and documentation by using specific programmes and technologies.
  2. Computer applications for the book trade: since 1990 it publishes the BIBLIOGRAPHY 2000, the Current Greek Electronic Bibliography. The company has also developed specific applications for libraries and bookstores.
  3. The Greek Bookstore through the internet: since 1996, the company has developed a Greek Bookstore on the Internet.
  4. Software for educational establishments: ELEA has developed a series of software applications for the effective management of schools and colleges. It also develops multimedia educational applications.
  5. ATHINA - The Educational Portal on the Internet: from 01-09-1995 it operates the educational Portal on the Internet, with a wealth of information about education, not only in Greece but also abroad.
  6. INTERNET Services for Businesses and Professionals: the company provides complete INTERNET services for businesses and professionals (reports, association, hosting, advertising, web development, e-commerce, education, support).
  7. PC Distribution, PC Supply and Peripherals.
  8. Development of Special Applications: the programmers have the ability to develop any application for PCs.
  9. Participation in programmes of the European Union: the company has been participating in a wide range of programmes in the fields of telematics, documentation and education.

Website: http://www.elea.gr
E-mail: mariap@elea.gr istos@clio.elea.gr
Telephone: 0030 210 3802335
Fax: 0030 210 3806770

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The University of Murcia is an institution devoted to providing higher education to the public. Among its main objectives are the creation, development and research into science, technology and culture through study and research and the transmission of such knowledge through education. The statistics of the University of Murcia for the academic year 2005-06 are as follows:

Undergraduate students: 28000
Graduate students: 1500
Teaching staff: 2100
Computer Labs: 41
Free Access Computers: 1000
Ratio students/lecturer: 15

During the academic year 1997-1998, the introduction of new educational programmes in Spanish Universities gave the opportunity to the students of the University of Murcia to study on Modern Greek language. In addition, the University, in cooperation with the Public Relation Department, organises four months courses for the teaching of the Modern Greek, lasting 60 hours.

Website: http://www.um.es/dp-filologia-clasica
Telephone: 0034 968 367679
Fax: 0034 968 363417

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The Euromediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency is a non-profit association in Lecce (Italy) since March 2003. It deals with the valorisation, promotion, conservation, restoration and planning of the cultural heritage in the Euro Mediterranean area, including the support and diffusion of the national and international politics within this field. The main areas of activity are:

  • To analyse, study and promote interactions between different cultural, legal and socio-economic systems, the methods of development and promotion of policies relative to the promotion, development and preservation of the cultural heritage.
  • To interact and integrate the scientific and professional know-how in the board field of the protection and promotion of the cultural heritage, at the present not homogeneously distributed over the Euro-Mediterranean area.
  • To detect an updated and advanced specific policy in every characteristic phase of the management and promotion of works of historical and cultural value
  • To supply techno-operative supports consistent with the goals already mentioned
  • To collect, select and classify as samples extremely meaningful interventions in the field of cultural heritage and to distribute on computerized networks / computer systems those samples
  • To test new methods that aimed to the creation of knowledge, documentation, restoration, management and promotion of the cultural heritage.

Website: http://www.agenziaeuromed.it
E-mail:mauro.martina@agenziaeuromed.it info@agenziaeuromed.it
Telephone: 0039 0832 301484
Fax: 0039 0832 253904

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The British Hellenic Educational and Development Association is an educational organisation which is active since 1989. It offers university-level studies, certified not only by the University of Wales, but also by the British Accreditation Council in several sectors such as those of Business Administration and Finance, Technology, Information Technology and Psychology. Some of these sections lead to BACHELOR degrees, and some other to Diplomas of Higher Education of the University of Wales. Furthermore, there exist seven post graduate programmes in the fields of Business Administration and Information Technology. Nowadays, it has around 250 students. The British Hellenic College is also very active in programmes of the European Union and OCED, in which it participates since 1989 with success, either by itself, or through its affiliated company «European Educational and Development Association». Another part is the Hellenic Language School «Alexander the Great» and the adult educational center.

Website: http://www.bhc.gr
E-mail:sag@bhc.gr hls@bhc.gr
Telephone: 0030 210 8217710
Fax: 0030 210 8215025

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The ECED in Plovdiv, Bulgaria offers courses of Greek language not only to students of vocational education, but also to other interested adults. The ECED has experience in developing educational material for the teaching of the Greek language, having taken part in relevant programmes of the European Union.

Telephone: 0035 932 267000
Fax: 0035 932 263103

University of Murcia. Department of Classical Philology / International Relations Office