Dpto. de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
Facultad de Educación
Universidad de Murcia

I. Las ciencias lingüísticas y la didáctica de la lengua extranjera.
1. La Lingüística y la Didáctica de la lengua extranjera.
2. Aportaciones de la Sociolingüística a la Didáctica de la lengua extranjera.
3. La Psicolingüística y las teorías de enseñanza-aprendizaje
II. Adquisición-aprendizaje de la L2.
4. Adquisición y aprendizaje de lenguas.
5. El sistema interlingüístico del aprendiz.
6. El input comprensible como factor determinante del proceso de adquisición.
7. Los aspectos cognitivos en el proceso de adquisición de la L2.
8. Las diferencias individuales de los aprendices.
9. Enseñar a aprender: estrategias y autonomía del aprendizaje.
10. La enseñanza-aprendizaje de la L2 en el aula.
III. Métodos de enseñanza, diseño curricular y evaluación del aprendizaje.
11. Métodos enfocados a la perfección lingüística.
12. El enfoque nocional-funcional-comunicativo.
13. Los enfoques humanistas.
14. El currículo de la lengua extranjera en Primaria: primer y segundo nivel de concreción.
15. El tercer nivel de concreción: modelos de desarrollo de unidades didácticas.
16. Diseño de una unidad didáctica.
17. La investigación en el aula: la observación como elemento clave.
18. La evaluación del aprendizaje.
19. Diseño de tests evaluativos e instrumentos de medida y valoración.
IV. Didáctica de las destrezas y subdestrezas lingüísticas.
20. La comprensión oral.
21. La comprensión escrita.
22. La expresión oral.
23. La expresión escrita.
24. La integración de las cuatro destrezas: la tarea como elemento aglutinador.
25. La enseñanza de la pronunciación.
26. La enseñanza del léxico.
27. La enseñanza de la gramática.
28. Los errores y su corrección.
V. Técnicas y recursos para la enseñanza del inglés en la Educación Primaria.
29. El libro de texto y el uso de materiales auténticos.
30. La interacción y organización del aula.
31. La dramatización en la clase de L2.
32. Una aproximación a la literatura: el cuento.
33. Teatro leído, títeres y marionetas, teatro de sombras corporales, representación de sketches y obritas cortas.
34. Juegos, poemas, música y canciones.
35. Imagen y tecnología.

I. Las ciencias lingüísticas y la didáctica de la lengua extranjera.
1. La Lingüística y la Didáctica de la lengua extranjera.
Brumfit, C.J. y K. Johnson (eds.) (1979) The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Candlin, C.N. (1973) The status of pedagogical grammars. En Corder, S.P. y E. Roulet (eds.) Theoretical Linguistic Models in Applied Linguistics, Bruselas, AIMAV (reimpreso en Brumfit y Johnson (eds.) 1979).
Carroll, J.B. (1966) Research in foreign language teaching: the last five years. En Mead, R.G. (ed.) Language Teaching: Broader Contexts. Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: Reports of the Working Committees, Nueva York, MLA Materials Center.Carter, R. (1993) Introducing Applied Linguistics, Londres, Penguin.
Chomsky, N. (1957) Syntactic Structures, La Haya, Mouton.
Chomsky, N. (1965) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press (trad. cast., Aspectos de la teoría de la sintaxis, Madrid, Aguilar, 1975).
Cook, G. y B. Seidlhofer (eds.) (1995) Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics: Studies in Honour of H.G. Widdowson, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Cook, V. (1993) Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, Londres, McMillan.
Corder, S.P. (1973) Introducing Applied Linguistics, Londres, Penguin.
Crystal, D. (1987) Child Language Learning and Linguistics, Londres, Edward Arnold.
Crystal, D. (1992) Introducing Linguistics, Londres, Penguin.
Ellis, R. (1990) Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Learning in the Classroom, Oxford, Blackwell.
Flynn, S. y W. O'Neill (eds.) (1988) Linguistic Theory in Second Language Acquisition, Dordrecht, Kluwer.
Fries, C.C. (1945) Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.
Gass, S.M. y J. Schachter (eds.) (1989) Linguistic Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Halliday, M.A.K., A. McIntosh y P. Strevens (1964) The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching, Londres, Longman.
Hartmann, R.R. y F.C. Stork (1972) Dictionary of Language and Linguistics, Londres, Applied Science Publishers.
Kaplan, R.B. (ed.) (1980) On the Scope of Applied Linguistics, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Lado, R. (1957) Linguistics Across Cultures: Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan.
Lado, R. (1964) Language Teaching: A Scientific Approach, Nueva York, McGraw-Hill.
McArthur, T. (1983) A Foundation Course for Language Teachers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Moulton, W.G. (1963) What is a structural drill?, International Journal of American Linguistics, 29:3-15.
Moulton, W.G. (1966) A Linguistic Guide to Language Learning, Nueva York, Modern Language Association.
Newmark, L. (1966) How not to interfere with language learning, International Journal of American Linguistics, 32:77-83, (reimpreso en Brumfit y Johnson (eds.) 1979).
Radford, A. (1990) Syntactic Theory and the Acquisition of English Syntax, Oxford, Blackwell.
Rampton, B. (1995) Politics and change in research in applied linguistics, Applied Linguistics, 16:233-56.
Rivers, W.M. (1964) The Psychologist and the Foreign Language Teacher, Chicago, Chicago University Press.
Saville-Troike, M. (ed.) (1977) Linguistics and Anthropology, Washington DC, Georgetown University Press.
Scarcella, R.C. y R.L. Oxford (1992) The Tapestry of Language Learning: The Individual in the Communicative Classroom, Boston, Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
Spolsky, B. (1978) Educational Linguistics: An Introduction, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Stern, H.H. (1983) Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Taylor, D. (1988) The meaning and use of the term "competence" in linguistics and applied linguistics, Applied Linguistics, 9:148-68.
Van Els, T., T. Bongaerts, G. Extra, C. Van Os y A. Jansen-Van Dieten (1984) Applied Linguistics and the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages, Londres, Edward Arnold.
Vez Jeremías, J.M. (1984) Claves para la lingüística aplicada, Málaga, Agora.
Widdowson, H.G. (1979) Explorations in Applied Linguistics, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Wilkins, D.A. (1972) Linguistics in Language Teaching, Londres, Edward Arnold.Ir al inicio de la página
2. Aportaciones de la Sociolingüística a la Didáctica de la lengua extranjera.
Allen, J.P. y S.P. Corder (eds.) (1973) The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics. Volume 1: Readings in Applied Linguistics, Londres, Oxford University Press.
Allen, J.P. y S.P. Corder (eds.) (1975) The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics. Volume 2: Papers in Applied Linguistics, Londres, Oxford University Press.
Austin, J.L. (1962) How to Do Things with Words, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Bright, W. (ed.) (1966) Sociolinguistics: Proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964, La Haya, Mouton.
Brown, G. y G. Yule (1983) Discourse Analysis, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Brumfit, C.J. y K. Johnson (eds.) (1979) The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Campbell, R. y R. Wales (1970) The study of language acquisition. En Lyons (ed.) 1970.
Canale, M. (1983) From communicative competence to communicative language pedagogy. En Richards y Schmidt (eds.) 1983.
Canale, M. y M. Swain (1980) Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing, Applied Linguistics, 1:1-47.
Cook, G. (1989) Discourse, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Coulthard, M. (1977) An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, Londres, Longman.
Criper, C. y H.G. Widdowson (1975) Sociolinguistics and language teaching. En Allen y Corder (eds.) 1975.
Fishman, J.A., C.A. Ferguson y J. Das Gupta (eds.) (1968) Language Problems of Developing Nations, Nueva York, Wiley.
Foster, S. (1990) The Communicative Competence of Young Children: A Modular Approach, Londres, Longman.
Gass, S.M., C.G. Madden, D. Preston y L. Selinker (eds.) (1989) Variation in Second Language Acquisition. Volume 1: Sociolinguistic Issues, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Gumperz, J.J. (1982) Discourse Strategies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1973) Explorations in the Functions of Language, Londres, Edward Arnold.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1975) Learning How to Mean: Explorations in the Development of Language, Londres, Edward Arnold.
Halliday, M.A.K. y R. Hasan (1976) Cohesion in English, Londres, Longman.
Hatch, E. (1992) Discourse and Language Education, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Hymes, D.H. (ed.) (1964) Language in Culture and Society: A Reader in Linguistics and Anthropology, Nueva York, Harper and Row.
Hymes, D.H. (1966) On communicative competence. En Gumperz, J.J. y D.H. Hymes (eds.) (1972) Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication, Nueva York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (reimpreso en Pride, J.B y J. Holmes (eds.) (1972) Sociolinguistics: Selected Readings, Harmondsworth, Penguin., y en Brumfit y Johnson (eds.) (1979)
Hymes, D.H. (1974) Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach, Filadelfia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Jakobson, R. (1960) Closing statement: linguistics and poetics. En Sebeok, T.A. (ed.) Style in Language, Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press. (extractos reimpresos en Allen y Corder (eds.) 1973).
Jakobson, R. (1973) Functions of language. En Allen y Corder (eds.) 1973.
Labov, W. (1970) The study of language in its social context, Studium Generale, 23:30-87.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (ed.) (1980) Discourse Analysis in Second Language Research, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Lyons, J. (ed.) (1970) New Horizons in Linguistics, Harmondsworth, Penguin.
Maley, A. (1980) Teaching for communicative competence: reality and illusion, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 3.1:10-16.
Maley, A. (1986) A Rose is a Rose, or is it?: can communicative competence be taught?, ELT Documents, 124:87-96.
McArthur, T. (1983) A Foundation Course for Language Teachers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
McCarthy, M. (1991) Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Nunan, D. (1993) Introducing Discourse Analysis, Londres, Penguin.
Richards, J.C. y R. Schmidt (eds.) (1983) Language and Communication, Londres, Longman.
Robinson, W.P. (1972) Language and Social Behaviour, Harmondsworth, Penguin.
Searle, J. (1969) Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Sherzer, J. (1977) The ethnography of speaking: a critical appraisal. En Saville-Troike, M. (ed.) Linguistics and Anthropology, Washington DC, Georgetown University Press.
Stern, H.H. (1983) Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Stubbs, M. (1987) Análisis del discurso, Madrid, Alianza.
Trudgill, P. (1974) Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society, Londres, Penguin.
Trudgill, P. (ed.) (1984) Applied Sociolinguistics, Londres, Academic Press.
Van Dijk, T.A. (1977) Text and Context: Explorations in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse, Londres, Longman.
Verdoodt, A. (ed.) (1974) Applied Sociolinguistics: Proceedings, Vol. II of the Third Congress of the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (Copenhagen, 1972), Heidelberg, Julius Groos.
Widdowson, H.G. (1972) The teaching of English as communication, English Language Teaching, 27.1:15-18, (reimpreso en Brumfit y Johnson (eds.) 1979).
Widdowson, H.G. (1978) Teaching Language as Communication, Oxford, Oxford University Press.Ir al inicio de la página
3. La Psicolingüística y las teorías de enseñanza-aprendizaje
Ausubel, D.P. (1968) Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View, Nueva York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (trad. cast., Psicología Educativa: un punto de vista cognoscitivo, México, Trillas, 1976).
Ausubel, D.P. y F.G. Robinson (1969) School Learning: An Introduction to Educational Psychology, Nueva York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Baron, N. (1992) Growing up with Language, Reading, Mass., Addison Wesley.
Belyayev, B.V. (1963) The Psychology of Teaching Foreign Languages, Oxford, Pergamon Press.
Bergeron, M. (1974) El desarrollo psicológico del niño, Madrid, Morata.
Brown, R. (1973) A First Language: The Early Stages, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.
Butterworth, B. (ed.) (1980) Language Production. Volume 1: Speech and Talk, Nueva York, Academic Press (trad. cast., Lecturas de psicolingüística. Volumen 1: Comprensión y producción del lenguaje, Madrid, Alianza, 1990).
Chomsky, N. (1959) Review of "Verbal Behavior" by B.F. Skinner, Language, 35:26-58.
Chomsky, N. (1968) Language and Mind, Nueva York, Harcourt Brace and World.
Clark, E. y H. Clark (1977) Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics, Nueva York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Coll, C. (1988) Conocimiento psicológico y práctica educativa: introducción a las relaciones entre psicología y educación, Barcelona, Barcanova.
Coll, C., E. Martín, T. Mauri, M. Miras, J. Onrubia, I. Solé y A. Zabala (1995) (4ª Ed.) El constructivismo en el aula, Barcelona, Graó.
de Villiers, J. y P. de Villiers (1973) A cross-sectional study of the development of grammatical morphemes in child speech, Journal of Psycholinguistics Research, 1:299-310.
Douglas Brown, H. (1987) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall.
Ellis, R. (1985) Understanding Second Language Acquisition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Ellis, R. (1994) The Study of Second Language Acquisition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Ferguson, C. y D. Slobin (eds.) (1973) Studies of Child Language Development, Nueva York, Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Fraser, C. y K. Scherer (eds.) (1982) Social Psychological Dimensions of Language Behaviour, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Gass, S.M., C.G. Madden, D. Preston y L. Selinker (eds.) (1989) Variation in Second Language Acquisition. Volume 2: Psycholinguistic Issues, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Giles, H. y W. Robinson (eds.) (1990) Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, Chichester, John Wiley and Sons.
Hatch, E. (1983) Psycholinguistics: A Second Language Perspective, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Ingram, D. (1989) First Language Acquisition: Method Description and Explanation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Lantolf, J. y G. Appel (1994) Vygotskian Approaches to Second Language Research, Nueva York, Ablex.
Lightbown, P. y N. Spada (1993) How Languages are Learned, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
López García, A. (1991) Psicolingüística, Madrid, Síntesis.
McArthur, T. (1983) A Foundation Course for Language Teachers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
McDonough, S.H. (1981) Psychology in Foreign Language Teaching, Londres, George Allen & Unwin.
McNeill, D. (1970) The Acquisition of Language, Nueva York, Harper Row.
Moore, T. (ed.) (1973) Cognitive Development and the Acquisition of Language, Nueva York, Academic Press.
Piaget, J. (1969) Psychology et pédagogie (trad. cast., Psicología y pedagogía, Barcelona, Ariel, 1969).
Pienemann, M. (1984) Psychological constraints on the teachability of languages, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 6:186-214.
Pienemann, M. (1989) Is language teachable? Psycholinguistic experiments and hypothesis, Applied Linguistics, 10:52-79.
Rivers, W.M. (1964) The Psychologist and the Foreign Language Teacher, Chicago, Chicago University Press.
Salmon, P. (1988) Psychology for Teachers: An Alternative Approach, Londres, Hutchinson.
Scherer, A. y M. Wertheimer (1964) A Psycholinguistic Experiment in Foreign Language Teaching, Nueva York, McGraw Hill.
Schmidt, R. (1992) Psychological mechanisms underlying second language fluency, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 14:357-87.
Scovel, T. (1988) A Time to Speak: A Psycholinguistic Enquiry into the Critical Period for Human Speech, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Sinclair-de-Zwart, H. (1973) Language acquisition and cognitive development. En Moore (ed.) 1973.
Skinner, B.F. (1957) Verbal Behaviour, Nueva York, Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Slobin, D. (1973) Cognitive prerequisites for the development of grammar. En Ferguson y Slobin (eds.) 1973.
Slobin, D. (1985) The Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition, Vol. 2, Theoretical Issues, Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.
Smith, F. y G. Miller (eds.) (1966) The Genesis of Language: A Psycholinguistic Approach, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.
Stern, H.H. (1983) Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Towell, R. (1987) A discussion of the psycholinguistic bases for communicative language teaching in a foreign language situation, British Journal of Language Teaching, 25:91-99.
VanPatten, B. y J. Lee (eds.) (1990) Second Language Acquisition-Foreign Language Learning, Clevedon, Avon, Multilingual Matters.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1973) Pensamiento y lenguaje, Buenos Aires, Lantaro. (Edición original en 1934).
Wells, G. (1986) The Meaning Makers: Children Learning Language and Using Language to Learn, Londres, Hodder and Stoughton.
Zanón, J. (1989a) Psicolingüística y didáctica de las lenguas: una aproximación histórica y conceptual (I), Cable, 2:47-52.
Zanón, J. (1989b) Psicolingüística y didáctica de las lenguas: una aproximación histórica y conceptual (II), Cable, 3:22-32.Ir al inicio de la página
II. Adquisición-aprendizaje de la L2.
4. Adquisición y aprendizaje de lenguas.
Bennet-Kastor, T. (1988) Analyzing Children's Language: Methods and Theories, Oxford, Blackwell.
Beretta, A. (1993) As God said, and I think, rightly ... Perspectives on theory construction in SLA: an introduction, Applied Linguistics, 14:221-24.
Billaut, J., G. Dronne, A. Fouliard y S. Sauvy (1979) L'enfant à la découverte de sa langue maternelle (trad. cast., El niño descubre su lengua materna. Juegos para la enseñanza del lenguaje, Madrid, Editorial Cincel, 1982).
Campbell, R. y R. Wales (1970) The study of language acquisition. En Lyons, J. (ed.) New Horizons in Linguistics, Harmondsworth, Penguin.
Cazden, C., E. Cancino, E. Rosansky y J. Schumann (1975) Second Language Acquisition in Children, Adolescents and Adults. Final Report, Washington DC, National Institute of Education.
Cohen, A., D. Larsen-Freeman y E. Tarone (1991) The contribution of SLA theories and research to language teaching. En Sadtano (ed.) 1991.
Cook, V. (1991) Second Language Learning and Teaching, Londres, Edward Arnold.
Ellis, R. (1985) Understanding Second Language Acquisition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Ellis, R. (1994) The Study of Second Language Acquisition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Ervin-Tripp, S. (1974) Is second language learning like the first?, TESOL Quarterly, 8:111-27.
Freed, B. (ed.) (1993) Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom, Lexington, MA, DC Health and Company.
Gass, S.M. y C.G. Madden (eds.) (1985) Input in Second Language Acquisition, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Gingras, R.C. (ed.) (1978) Second-Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching, Arlington, Va., Center for Applied Linguistics.
Kern, R. (1995) Students' and teachers' beliefs about language learning, Foreign Language Annals, 28.1:71-92.
Krashen, S.D. (1978) The monitor model for second language acquisition. En Gingras (ed.) 1978.
Krashen, S.D. (1981a) Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, Oxford, Pergamon.
Krashen, S.D. (1981b) Effective second language acquisition: insights from research. En Alatis, J.E., H.B. Altman y P.M. Alatis The Second Language Classroom: Directions for the 1980's, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Krashen, S.D. (1982) Principles and Practices in Second Language Acquisition, Oxford, Pergamon.
Krashen, S.D. (1985) The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications, Londres, Longman.
Krashen, S.D. y T.D. Terrell (1983) The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom, Oxford, Pergamon Press.
Krashen, S.D., M. Long y R. Scarcella (eds.) (1982) Child-adult Differences in Second Language Acquisition, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Larsen-Freeman, D. y M. Long (1991) An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research, Londres, Longman.
Littlewood, W.T. (1984) Foreign and Second Language Learning, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Long, M.H. (1985) Input and second language acquisition theory. En Gass y Madden (eds.) 1985.
McLaughlin, B. (1985) Second Language Acquisition in Childhood, Vol. 2: School-Age Children, Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.
McLaughlin, B. (1987) Theories of Second-Language Learning, Londres, Edward Arnold.
Ringbom, H. (1987) The Role of the First Language in Foreign Language Learning, Clevedon, Avon, Multilingual Matters.
Sadtano, E. (ed.) (1991) Language Acquisition and the Second/Foreign Language Classroom, Singapore, SEAMEO Regional Language Center.
Schwartz, B. (1986) The epistemological status of second language acquisition, Second Language Research, 2:120-59.
Sharwood-Smith, M. (1994) Second Language Learning: Theoretical Foundations, Londres, Longman.
Spolsky, B. (1989) Conditions for Second Language Learning, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Stern, H.H. (1983) Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Tough, J. (1991) Young children learning languages. En Brumfit, C.J., J. Moon y R. Tongue (eds.) Teaching English to Children: From Practice to Principle, Londres, Collins.
Towell, R. y R. Hawkins (1994) Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, Clevedon, Avon, Multilingual Matters.
VanPatten, B. y J. Lee (eds.) (1990) Second Language Acquisition-Foreign Language Learning, Clevedon, Avon, Multilingual Matters.
White, L. (1989) Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition, Amsterdam, John Benjamins.Ir al inicio de la página
5. El sistema interlingüístico del aprendiz.
Adams, M. (1978) Methodology for examining second language acquisition. En Hatch (ed.) 1978.
Bailey, N., C. Madden y S. Krashen (1974) Is there a "natural sequence" in adult second language learning?, Language Learning, 21:235-43.
Bialystok, E. y M. Sharwood-Smith (1985) Interlanguage is not a state of mind, Applied Linguistics, 6:101-17.
Butterworth, G. y E. Hatch (1978) A Spanish-speaking adolescent's acquisition of English syntax. En Hatch (ed.) 1978.
Cazden, C., E. Cancino, E. Rosansky y J. Schumann (1975) Second Language Acquisition in Children, Adolescents and Adults. Final Report, Washington DC, National Institute of Education.
Clahsen, H. (1988) Critical phases of grammar development: a study of the acquisition of negation in children and adults. En Jordens y Lalleman (eds.) 1988.
Corder, S.P. (1967) The significance of learners' errors, IRAL, 5:161-70.
Corder, S.P. (1981) Error Analysis and Interlanguage, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Davies, A., C. Criper y A.P.R. Howatt (eds.) (1984) Interlanguage, Edimburgo, Edinburgh University Press.
Dulay, H.C. y Burt M.K. (1973) Should we teach children syntax?, Language Learning, 23:245-58.
Dulay, H.C. y Burt M.K. (1974a) You can't learn without goofing: an analysis of children's second language learning strategies. En Richards (ed.) 1974.
Dulay, H.C. y Burt M.K. (1974b) Natural sequences in child second language acquisition, Language Learning, 24:37-53.
Einsenstein, M. (ed.) (1989) The Dynamic Interlanguage: Empirical Studies in Second Language Variation, Nueva York, Plenum Press.
Ellis, R. (1984) Classroom Second Language Development, Oxford, Pergamon.
Ellis, R. (1985) Understanding Second Language Acquisition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Ellis, R. (1994) The Study of Second Language Acquisition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Ferguson, C. y D. Slobin (eds.) (1973) Studies of Child Language Development, Nueva York, Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Hatch, E. (ed.) (1978) Second Language Acquisition, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Hulstijn, J. (1989) A cognitive view of interlanguage variability. En Eisenstein (ed.) 1989.
Hurford, J.R. (1991) The evolution of the critical period for language acquisition, Cognition, 40:159-202.
Jordens, P. y J. Halleman (eds.) (1988) Language Development, Dordrecht, Foris.
Kasper, G. y S. Blum-Kulka (eds.) (1993) Interlanguage Pragmatics, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Klein, W. (1986) Second Language Acquisition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Krashen, S.D. y T.D. Terrell (1983) The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom, Oxford, Pergamon Press.
Krashen, S.D., M. Long y R. Scarcella (1979) Age, rate and eventual attainment in second language acquisition, TESOL Quarterly, 13:573-82 (reimpreso en Krashen, Long y Scarcella (eds.) 1982).
Krashen, S.D., M. Long y R. Scarcella (eds.) (1982) Child-adult Differences in Second Language Acquisition, Rowley, Mass., Newbury House.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (1976) An explanation for the morpheme acquisition order of second language learners, Language Learning, 26:125-34.
Larsen-Freeman, D. y M. Long (1991) An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research, Londres, Longman.
Littlewood, W.T. (1984) Foreign and Second Language Learning, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Milon, J. (1974) The development of negation in English by a second language learner, TESOL Quarterly, 8:137-43.
Ravem, R. (1968) Language acquisition in a second language environment, IRAL, 6:165-85.
Richards, J.C. (ed.) (1974) Error Analysis: Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition, Londres, Longman.
Selinker, L. (1972) Interlanguage, IRAL, 10:209-31.
Selinker, L. (1992) Rediscovering Interlanguage, Londres, Longman.
Tarone, E. (1988) Variation in Interlanguage, Londres, Edward Arnold.
Torras, M.R. (1993) Un estudio transversal del nivel de adquisición de la interrogación en inglés con alumnos de 8º de EGB, RESLA, 9:169-87.
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