
Internal series in which members of the Project present works in progress and invited speakers give public talks.


  • Nemesio García-Carril Puy (Investigador Ramón y Cajal – Universidad Complutense de Madrid): “Architectural Works: Ontology and Copyright”. 30th March. “Sala de Juntas” (3rd floor “Luis Vives” Building- Campus de Espinardo) at 10:00.
  • Derek Matravers (Open University): “Aesthetic Normativity” . 29th March. Room “Jorge Guillén” (Faculty of Arts. Campus la Merced) at 17:00.


  • Ryan Doran (Universidad de Barcelona) : “Moral Beauty & Harmony”. 9th November. Hybrid format:  Sala “Jorge Guillén” Facultad de Letras (Campus la Merced) at 17:00
  • Daniel Castañeda García (UNAM): “La lectura y los pactos de ficción como vehículo para la exploración vital”. 2nd November. Hybrid format:  Sala “Jorge Guillén” Facultad de Letras (Campus la Merced) at 17:00
  • Nils Hennes-Stear (Humboldt Fellow – Universität Hamburg): “Autonomism and the Evaluative Turn”. 5th October   Hybrid format:  Sala “Jorge Guillén” Facultad de Letras (Campus la Merced) at 17:00
  • Anna Christina Ribeiro Soy (Texas Tech University): “Poetic Powers: A Theory of Poetic Tropes”. Hybrid format: Taller de Estética. Edificio Luis Vives – Facultad de Filosofía (3rd Floor)/ZOOM at 11:00
  • Nemesio García-Carrill Puy (Universidad de Murcia):“Descriptivism and the Determination Thesis: an Untenable Marriage in the Metaontology of Art”. 2 February at 17:00 (ZOOM )


  • Thomas Heyd (University of Victoria, Canadá): “Relating climate changes and prehistoric art to aesthetic sensibilities and and ethical values”. December 14. Hybrid format: Sala de Juntas (3.58). Edificio Luis Vives – Facultad de Filosofía (3rd Floor)/ZOOM at 16:30
  • Kalle Puolakka (University of Helsinki, Finlandia): ‘Trust in Literature”. December 14. Hybrid format: Sala de Juntas (3.58). Edificio Luis Vives – Facultad de Filosofía (3rd Floor)/ZOOM at 11:00
  • Kalle Puolakka (University of Helsinky): “The Literary Space”. 9th November. Hybrid format: room 5 (-1 level Facultad de Filosofía, UM)/ZOOM at 17:00.
  • Manela Teles (Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto / MLAG: “Looks, looks statements and kinds: a non-representationalist account of aesthetic vision?”. 29th of April at 17:00(ZOOM)
  • Nemesio García-Carrill Puy (University of Murcia): “Interpretive Authenticity: Performances, Versions and Ontology”. 25th March at 17:00(ZOOM)
  • Byron Davies (UNAM): “Cavell,Experimental Film, and Found Footage”. 4th of March at 17:00(ZOOM)
  • Darío Loja Illescas (University of Murcia): “A brief insight into the musical role of non-tonal aspects”. 18th February at 17:00(ZOOM)


  • Rob Hopkins (New York University) and Nick Riggle (University of San Diego): “Artistic Style and the Expression of Ideals”. 3rd of Decemberat 16:30 (ZOOM)
  • Alessandro Bertinetto (Università degli Studi di Torino) and Marcello Ruta (Universität Bern): “Aesthetic Improvisation in Painting”. 17th December at 16:30 (ZOOM)
  • Marta Benenti (University of Turin): “Music, metaphors and secondary meaning”. 29th October. 17:00 (ZOOM)
  • Jeremy Page (University of Uppsala): “Aesthetic Judgment, Understanding and Testimony”. 17th January. 12:30(Room Taller de Estética. 3rd floor Luis Vives Building).


  • Adam Andrzejewski(University of Warsaw): “The ontology of atmospheres”. 19th November. 11:00 19th (Room Taller de Estética. 3rd floor Luis Vives Building).
  • Jesús Vega Encabo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): “Mentes expresivas. Wittgenstein y la teatralización de las emociones”. 6th March. 12:00 (Salón de Grados “Eduardo Bello”)


  • James O. Young: “Literary Fiction and the Cultivation of Virtue”. 25th September. 11:00 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • SEMINARIO PERMANENTE DE ESTÉTICA. 16th February: 9:30 Paloma Atencia Linares: “Photographic communication beyond Grice. A New Approach to the epistemology of photography”; 12:00 Zsolt Bátori: “Perceiving, Interpreting and Appreciating Photographs”. (Sala Jacobo de las Leyes, Hemeroteca Clara Campoamor)


  • Paloma Atencia Linares: “Ficción y no-ficción como géneros fotográficos”. 28th June, 2017. 18:30. (Sala Jacobo de las Leyes, Hemeroteca Clara Campoamor)
  • Manuel García Carpintero:”La distinción entre ficción y no ficción para los films”. 28th June, 2017. 16:30. (Sala Jacobo de las Leyes, Hemeroteca Clara Campoamor)
  • Alessandro Bertinetto: “Being true to the moment. Improvisation and musical authenticity”. 29th March, 12:00. Room “Taller de Estética”
  • Elisa Caldarola: “Strategies of Conceptual Art: Prop Oriented Make-Believe and Exemplification”. 24th January, 17:30 (Sala Jacobo de las Leyes, Hemeroteca Clara Campoamor)


  • Ángel García Rodríguez: “A Wittgensteinian take on expression and transparency”. 16th November, 12:00 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • Anne Eaton: “On the Moral Significance of Pictures”. 20th June. 11:30 (Sala Jacobo de las Leyes, Hemeroteca Clara Campoamor)
  • Nemesio García Carril Puy y David Bordonaba Plou: “Beautiful but atonal. Disagreement and aesthetic predicates”, 14th April, 17:00 (Aula Mariano Baquero, Facultad de Letras, Campus de la Merced)
  • Héctor Julio Pérez López: “Estética y complejidad narrativa en las series contemporáneas”, 24th February, 12:00 (Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Filosofía)


  • Irene Martínez Marín: “Togetherness, Transparent and New Sincerity Television”, 21st October, 12:30 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • Arto Haapala: “The Range of Everyday Aesthetics”, 24th September, 17:00 (Room “Jacobo de las Leyes”)
  • Luciana Samamé: “La dimensión estética de la ética: Schopenhauer y la filosofía práctica”. 5th May, 17:00 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • Stephen Davies: “On the evolutionary origins of music”. 17th April, 11:30 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • Stephen Davies: “On the nature of human adornment”. 15th April, 11:30 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • Dominique Chateau: “Artistic values, aesthetic values and aestheticization”.18th March, 11:30 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • José Ignacio López Hernández: “La expresión artística del horror bélico: de Goya a Otto Dix. Estrategias artísticas, fundamentos estéticos, condicionamientos éticos”. 5th March, 18:00  (Rector Loustau Building) 


  • Robert Stecker: “Currie Contra Fiction: Cognitive Science and the Cognitive Value of Literature”. 12th April, 10:30 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • Robert Stecker: “Aesthetic Autonomy and Artistic Heteronomy”, 11th April, 11:00 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • Lucía Jiménez Sánchez: “Estética del diseño”, 27th March, 18:00  (Rector Loustau Building) 


  • Alicia Bermejo “The Analogy between Artistic and Linguistic Meaning: The Linguistic Model of Intentionalism Revisited”, 22nd May, 11:30 (Room “Taller de Estética”)
  • Mikel Iriondo “Del Arte de Vanguardia al Realismo Socialista en la Unión Soviética”, 16th May, 11:00 (Salón de Grados “Eduardo Bello”)


  • Maria del Mar Rosa Martínez “La experiencia estética del entorno y su papel en los argumentos ecologistas” and Alicia Bermejo Salar “El significado artístico como significado”. 1st Seminar of Young Researchers (Faculty of Philosophy UMU), 6th of March.
  • Dominic McIver Lopes (University of British Columbia), “Aesthetic Value in Literature and Beyond”,16th of March.
  • Jacinto Lageira (Université de Paris I- Panthéon-Sorbonne)”La experiencia estética de la historia” and “El arte como historia”, 17th of May.
  • James Hamilton (Kansas State University), “Theatrical conventions, styles, & appreciation”, 12th of September.


  • Jesús Vega (UCM), “Desdoblamientos del yo: punto de vista y voz narrativa en Le genou de Claire de Eric Rohmer”, 19th of January.
  • Fabian Dorsch (University of Fribourg), “The non-inferential Recognition of Aesthetic Properties” , 25th of January.
  • Valeriano Bozal (UCM), “Proust, Monet y Los Nenúfares”, 6th of April.
  • Mikel Iriondo (Universidad del País Vasco), “Yukio Mishima (1925-1970). Una estética de la muerte”, 3rd of May.
  • Carlos Thiebaut (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), “La literatura en la experiencia del daño: el papel de lo simbólico en los procesos de justicia transicional”,18th of May.
  • Antoni Gomila (Universidad de las Islas Baleares): “¿Es posible representar al sujeto de la representación? Autorretrato y autoconciencia”, 23rd of May.
  • Jordi Ibáñez (UPF), “Descripción, juicio, intencionalidad y cultura de masas”, 9th of May.
  • Alessandro Bertinetto (Universitá di Udine), “Música e improvisación”, 2nd of December.
  • Francisco Jarauta (UMU), “Schönberg-Kandinsky: la tensión de la forma”, 10th of December.


  • Hans Maes (Universidad de Kent), “Intention, Interpretation, and Contemporary Visual Art”  and “Who says pornography can’t be art?”, 15th and 16th of April.
  • Paloma Atencia (Univerisity of London), “Ficción, no-ficción y la representación fotográfica engañosa”, 23rd of April.
  • Anna Christina Ribeiro (U.B.- Texas Tech University), “What is a work of poetry?”, 7th of May.
  • Fernando Ros (CEU-UCH y UNED): “Antropología y literatura: el vínculo descriptivo”, 13 of May.
  • Arto Haapala (University of Helsinki), “Problems and Issues in the Aesthetics of the Everyday” and “What is aesthetic well-being?”, 26th and 27th of October.


  • Consuelo Sanmateu (Queen Mary and Westfield College-Univ. de Londres), “Problemas estéticos en las adaptaciones cinematográficas de La Celestina”, 5th of March.
  • Javier Peña (Architect), “Acerca de creación arquitectónica y valores éticos” , 15th of May
  • Jordi Ibáñez (UPF)”Descripción, juicio, intencionalidad y cultura de masas”, 5th of June
  • Fernando Ros (CEU-UCH y UNED), “Literatura y filosofía de la cultura: el paisaje de Lawrence después de Arabia”, 11th of June
  • Ingrid Vendrell (University of Geneva), “La lógica interna de las emociones y la paradoja de la ficción”, 20th of November.