Available on-line: Huerta y ciudad/The orchard and the city

The book-catalogue of the exhibition “La Huerta y la ciudad” by our colleague Zsolt Bátori has been published by Editum (I.S.B.N.. 978-84-17865-88-7) and it is available on-line in our web-site. Please, search the tag “publications” and you’ll find it!
Entitled Huerta y ciudad Fotografías de paisaje en Murcia./ The orchard and the city. Landscape photographs in Murcia, the book has been coordinated by Matilde Carrasco Barranco and it includes texts by Matilde, Salvador Rubio, Paca Pérez-Carreño, Mª José Alcaraz and Zsolt Bátori.

Both the exhibition and the book are results of our research project “Beyond Beauty: nature and critical relevance of aesthetic properties” 20934/PI/18 (Fundación SENECA, Plan Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia)