Seminar with Kalle Puolakka: “The Literary Space”

We are glad to announce the next Aresmur Permanent Seminar. Kalle Puolakka (University of Helsinky): “The Literary Space” It will take place in a hybrid format. For those who can attend in person, it will take place on Tuesday 9 November in room 5 (-1 level Facultad de Filosofía, UM) at 17:00. It will also … Read more

Kalle Puollaka visiting researcher in Murcia

During his stay in Murcia, from the 1st of November until the 18th of December 2021, Kalle Puollaka (University of Helsinki) will work on his project: “Growth and Trust in the Experience of Literature: A Philosophical Defence of Literary Reading”. Kalle is visiting Murcia thanks to the “Convocatoria de Ayudas: Atracción de Talento para la … Read more

Valeriano Bozal, Keynote at XV Workshop on Aesthetic Experience: Aesthetic Categories

The XV Workshop on Aesthetic Experience will take place in Madrid on the 23-24 September, at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. The theme is “Aesthetic Categories” The keynote speaker is Valeriano Bozal, philosopher and art historian, Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Medalla de Oro de las Bellas Artes in 2020. The program of the … Read more

Reading Group on Aesthetic Testimony starts 30th September

Aesthetic Reading Group starts a new season with the topic “Aesthetic Testimony”. The first session will take place on 30th September at 17:00 at ZOOM (link provided by organizers). We will maintain the on-line format for the season 2021/2022 in order to invite participants outside Murcia. The paper discussed during our first session is: Thi … Read more

Nemesio García-Carril wins the Fabian Dorsch ESA Essay Prize 2021

We are very happy to announce that the essay “Interpretive Authenticity: Performances, Versions and Ontology” by our colleague Nemesio García-Carril Puy has been awarded the Fabian Dorsch ESA Essay Prize 2021. Congratulations Nemesio!!! More info at

Available on-line: Huerta y ciudad/The orchard and the city

The book-catalogue of the exhibition “La Huerta y la ciudad” by our colleague Zsolt Bátori has been published by Editum (I.S.B.N.. 978-84-17865-88-7) and it is available on-line in our web-site. Please, search the tag “publications” and you’ll find it! Entitled Huerta y ciudad Fotografías de paisaje en Murcia./ The orchard and the city. Landscape photographs … Read more

Exhibition: Zsolt Bátori’s “The orchard and the city”

The exhibition of the photographs by Zsolt Bátori “The Orchard and the City” will open on May the 20th at 20:00. We invite those who have the chance to visit it, until the 30th of June, and enjoy his great work. The catalogue, both in Spanish and English, includes texts by Zsolt and other members … Read more

On-line Seminar with Cain Todd

The Aesthetics Permanent Seminar (Aresmur) hosts the talk “Fictional Immersion as Altered State of Consciousness” by Cain Todd (University of Lancaster). The talk and the following discussion will take place on Thursday the 13th May at 17:00 (CET) in ZOOM (if interested in joining us, please contact:,or

On-line Seminar with Nemesio García-Carrill

On Thursday 25th March, our Aesthetics Permanent Seminar (Aresmur) will held the talk “Interpretive Authenticity: Performances, Versions and Ontology” by Nemesio García-Carrill Puy (University of Murcia). The Seminar will take place on-line in ZOOM, at 17:00 (CET), (if interested in joining us, please contact:,or