Seminar with Adam Andrzejewski

We are happy to announce a seminar with Adam Andrzejewski, University of Warsaw. He will give the talk «The ontology of atmospheres» at 11:00 on November 19th at Taller de Estética (3rd floor Luis Vives Building).

Aesthetic Experience and the Complexity of Perception

We are pleased to announce this Workshop that will take place in Murcia from the 6th to the 8th of November 2109, focused on the role of perception in aesthetic experience. The Workshop concludes our Project “Aesthetic Experience and the Complexity of Perception” (FFI2015-64271-P) and welcomes “Beyond Beauty: nature and critical relevance of aesthetic experience”(20934/PI/18). … Read more

Carla Carmona invited speaker MUIF 2019-20

On Wednesday 16th of October, Carla Carmona Escalera (Universidad de Sevilla) will give the talk “Algunas claves wittgensteinianas para una filosofía de la danza” as the invited speaker by the area of aesthetics and theory of art in the Master Universitario de Investigación en Filosofía. At 18:30 in room 2.57 (Luis Vives Building) More information … Read more

Art, Aesthetics, and Imagination

The University of Murcia will host during the 4-5 of April the International Colloquium ART, AESTHETICS, AND IMAGINATION. Program available here. Free admision.

Seminar on Philosophy of Music

A Seminar on Philosophy of Music will take place in Murcia on the 28th of November discussing papers by James O. Young (University of Victoria) and Nemesio García-Carril Puy (University of Granada). Program available here

Seminar with James Young

Dr. James O. Young (University of Victoria, Canada) is currently a visiting researcher in the Department of Philosophy of the University of Murcia. He is working with us until December. On Tuesday the 25th of September, he will be giving a seminar on “Literary Fiction and the Cultivation of Virtue” in the room “Taller de … Read more

Humour, Wit, and Knowledge

The XIII Workshop on Aesthetic Experience will be held in the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona,on the 6th-7th June 2018, with the topic “Humour, Wit, and Knowledge”. Program available here

Philosophy of Photography

On Friday the 16th of February, we analyze the Philosophy of Photography with Paloma Atencia Linares and Zsolt Bátori More info Cartel

Workshop on Fiction and Knowledge

The XII Workshop on Aesthetic Experience will take place in Murcia on 4-5 December 2017 at Hemeroteca Clara Campoamor (Campus de la Merced). The workshop will gather national and international researchers who will disccus on “Fiction and Knowledge”. This event is sponsored by Spanish Research Council via “Experiencia estética de las artes y complejidad de … Read more

Zsolt Bátori Visiting Researcher in Murcia

Aresmur Group welcomes proffesor Zsolt Bátori, Department of Sociology and Communication in Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He is now working in the Faculty of Philosophy of Murcia as Visiting Researcher in the Programa “Jiménez de la Espada” de Movilidad, Cooperación e Internacionalización, until the 30th of June 2018.