El hilo de Ariadna

The exhibition El hilo de Ariadna. Lectores, navegantes opened in Casa del Lector, Madrid, from the 18th of October 2012 to the 17th of March, 2013. The exhibition’s curator is Francisco Jarauta. The assistant curators, Pedro Medina and Javier Maseda, created the catalogue which can be donwloaded from http://www.El_Hilo_de_Ariadna_Catalogo_Exposicion.pdf.      

Como si lo estuviera viendo

Como si lo estuviera viendo. La memoria en imágenes by Salvador Rubio Marco has been published by Antonio Machado Libros. Paca Pérez Carreño gave the presentation of the book the 1st of February, 2012 in the Faculty of Philosophy of Murcia.