Puolakka/Heyd: Double Seminar

Puolakka/Heyd: Double Seminar

Puolakka/Heyd: Double Seminar

Registrations have closed
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On December 14 we will have two ARESMUR Permanent Seminars.

Venue: Sala de Juntas (3.58). Edificio Luis Vives – Facultad de Filosofía (3rd Floor)

11:00 – 13:00 Kalle Puolakka (University of Helsinki, Finlandia): ‘Trust in Literature’

16:30 – 18:30 Thomas Heyd (University of Victoria, Canadá): ‘Relating climate changes and prehistoric art to aesthetic sensibilities and and ethical values’

The seminars can also be followed by zoom (link provided by the organizers, please contact: aresmur@um.es; mariajo@um.es)

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

14-12-2021 @ 11:00 to
14-12-2021 @ 18:30



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