Two-days seminar with Julian Dodd and Nemesio García-Carrill

On Tuesday 15th of November, at 10:30, Julian Dodd (University of Leeds) will give the talk “Wittgenstein and Idealism, revisited”

The session will take place in a hybrid format.

On-line: link provided by the organizers (please, write to

The physical location will be: Sala de Juntas (3rd floor. Facultad de Filosofía. Edificio Luis Vives. Campus de Espinardo)

On Wednesday 16th of November, at 17:00, Julian and Nemesio García-Carrill (University of Murcia) will talk about “Composers’ mistakes and their correction in performance”

The session will take place in a hybrid format.

On-line: link provided by the organizers (please, write to

The physical location will be: Sala “Jorge Guillén” Facultad de Letras (Campus la Merced)