+34 868 88 9701 biovetmed@um.es

Publicaciones recientes

Últimos 5 años.


Revistas científicas de impacto.


Contribuciones a congresos científicos.

ESPHM 2022

The salivary analytical model predicts disease better than the serum model.
A first approach to salivary analytical differentiation of pathological condition in the pig

ESPHM 2020+1

Saliva biomarkers for anti-microbial needs
verification in pigs.

FeMeSPRum 2019.

Quantification of total antioxidant capacity in saliva samples of dairy cows for health status assessment.

WAFL 2021

High level of salivary biomarkers of stress in diseased pigs.

ESPHM 2019.

Salivary analytic profile for health status characterization.

EuPa 2018.

Sex bias on the salivary protein band distribution after a maximum aerobic exercise test.