+34 868 88 9701 biovetmed@um.es


A key objective of the BioVetMed research group is to disseminate the scientific knowledge generated within the university so that it reaches the society to which it is due, as well as to promote the application of this knowledge by industry and public administration.

This knowledge transfer is carried out through various channels, including the services offered through the AnimalMarkSal knowledge transfer group, and the dissemination of knowledge through the organization of conferences, workshops or the publicity of relevant results in the media and social networks.

Among the services offered, it is worth mentioning the analytical laboratory, for the performance of defined biochemistry or specific salivary analyzes that allow monitoring the state of animal health and welfare, and the proteomics laboratory for the identification of new biomarkers and the study of specific physiological or pathological conditions.


More information at animalmarksal.com