
History of the publication service

Editum (Publishing House of University of Murcia) or Publication Service of University of Murcia is a Spanish university publishing house founded by University of Murcia in 1954. Its catalogue contains around 1 900 titles that address different aspects of the scientific knowledge. It belongs to the Spanish university and scientific publishing houses union (Unión de Editoriales Universitarias y Científicas Españolas or UNE).

Creation and purpose

The origin of the publishing house of University of Murcia was the magazine Anales de la Universidad de Murcia (Annals of University of Murcia), which published twelve volumes between 1930 and 1954, with an interruption between 1932 and 1942. It contained knowledge of Law, Philosophy, Humanities and Science, which gave room to separate series: Annals of University of Murcia: Science, Annals of University of Murcia: Law, and Annals of University of Murcia: Philosophy and Humanities, which would endure until 1984, 1976 and 1980, respectively.

Afterwards other magazines would follow: Annals of Science (until 1988), Annals of Law (which persist today) and Annals of University of Murcia: Humanities. From 1985 on, this last title would give room to other magazines with separate topics: Annals of French Philology, Annals of Hispanic Philology, English Philology Journals, Imafronte, Myrtia, etc. [AML1] 

The proper Publication service of the University was created during the 70s and it has carried out a double task: manage those corporate printing for those Units and Departments of the University and the solely editorial function. It is a generalist publishing house, as well as the University, which teaches degrees and researches in every branch of knowledge. This can be seen in its current catalogue: its collections, series and magazines contain every kind of topic.

Its aim is to spread academic knowledge and support learning. This is the reason why it combines the printing version and the online open access version. Doctoral theses were also fully published in the repository Doctoral theses in the net (Tesis doctorales en Red or TDR) until 2018. Scientific magazines publish a digital version managed by the Open Journal Systems programme. All publications are sent to other Spanish university libraries, as well as other scientific organizations, to contribute to Scientific Exchange (Intercambio Científico).

The Publication service started a new stage in 1996, when it divided its activities: the solely editorial field and the corporative printing house of University of Murcia (Imprenta Corporativa de la Universidad de Murcia).

It adopted the editorial seal “Editum” in 2006. It integrated the Latin word that means “edition” and the initials of the University of Murcia. Its trademark was designed by Maximiliano Gómez, teacher of Fine Arts. In 2019 the corporative image and the trademark of the Publication service (Editum) was redesigned.



Logo edit.um 2006

Trademark designed in 2006


Editum 2019

        Trademark designed in 2019

University of Murcia carried out the necessary action for the creation of the SCIPIUM unit (Service of Internal Purchases, Publications and Printing of University of Murcia) in 2011. The justifying memoir which was presented to the Governing Council stated that it would act as a Logistic Unit for the purchase and service provision sector, consisting of paper, office supplies, stationery and ink cartridges for printers, material for congresses and others with similar characteristics that could be incorporated later.

In 2018 the magazines website of University of Murcia (revistas.um.es) was created at the same time as the new version of Open Journal System (OJS) migrated, which it is being used since 2007. Furthermore, the publishing procedures of magazines and books are reviewed, and a new training plan is created together with the training and professional development centre of University of Murcia (Centro de Formación y Desarrollo Profesional de la Universidad de Murcia).

In 2019 the first Quality Seal in Academic Publishing (Cea-apQ) is obtained with the collection Editum Signos and Editum Artes in 2022.



  • Antonio Soler Martínez (1954-1964)
  • Juan Vilá Valentí (1964-1965)
  • Antonio Ruiz de Elvira Prieto (1965-1967)
  • Manuel Rodríguez Gallego (1967-1968)
  • Emilio Gómez Piñol (1968-1971)
  • Ana María Muñoz Amilibia (1971-1977)
  • Agustín Bermúdez Aznar (1977-1979)
  • Francisco Javier Díez de Revenga (1979-1984)
  • José Perona (1984-1990)
  • Ángel Luis Molina Molina (1990-1993)
  • Francisco Flores Arroyuelo (1993-1998)
  • Manuel Martínez Arnaldos (1998-2006)
  • José Antonio Gómez Hernández (2006-2010)
  • Conrado Navalón Vila (2010-2014)
  • Carmen González Martínez  (diciembre de 2015-  agosto 2016)
  • Carmen Sánchez Manzanares (septiembre de 2016- septiembre de 2017)
  • Rosana López Carreño (mayo de 2018)

Calidad en Edición Académica 


Servicio de Publicaciones

Edificio Pleiades. Campus de Espinardo 
30.100 Murcia
Teléfono: 868 88 3409/ 3013/ 3014/ 3207
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