Elements of Bayesians statistics 

On Thursday, 28th of March of 2019, at 12:05, in the assembly hall, Prof. Hocine Fellag will give the lecture entitled "Elements of Bayesian statistics". This talk is aimed at all the students and teachers of the Faculty.

Summary: The main purpose of statistical theory is to derive from observations of a random phenomenon an inference about the probability distribution underlying this phenomenon. There are two main philosophical approaches to statistics. The first is often referred to as the frequentist (or classical) approach. The alternative one is named Bayesian approach which is growing, not only among mathematical statisticians but also among scientists and practitioners from different fields. During this talk, we discuss the Bayesian approach and its potential advantages. Also, we will introduce briefly the principles of Bayesian decision analysis and describes how this theory can be applied to a wide range of decision problems. We’ll conclude with a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the Bayesian approach.

Speaker: Professor Hocine Fellag is with the "Département de Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria". His research topics include robustness, statistical inference, Bayesian statistics, Mote Carlo methods and time series (robustness and outliers). He is head of the research team in Bayesian statistics at LMPA laboratory, UMMTO university. He was Chairman of doctoral school of statistics UMMTO (2007-2010) and Vice Rector in charge of international relations, UMMTO university (2005-2010). He has published two books and more than 20 papers in different international journals.