

Hércules Nube eng

The Hercules initiative encloses the following scheme of projects:

1.- Semantic Architecture:

  • SUS Ontological Information Infrastructure and Semantic Data Architecture.
    • Development of an efficient platform to depot, manage and disclose the data allocated within the RMS, based on the Ontological Infrastructure, with the capability to synchronize devices and equipment’s located in different Universities.
    • Creation of a network of ontologies that will be used to outline accurately and high granularity the data within the RMS domain.
  • Data Enrichment from information deriving out of the Internet
    • Identification, glean, analysis and evaluation of relevant data sets.
    • Completion of these data sets with information from external data sources.
  • Development of Semantic Analysis Methods and connecting through APIs to RMS with use cases related to encountering synergies, knowledge transferring to companies, or identifying alignment in SUS costs and R&D strategies.

2.- Research Management System (RMS):

Development of an avant-garde prototype of a Research Management System that will allow integration with any CRUE University. It will include all management activities related to research and should be integrated and operated with the Semantic Architecture developed.