
null Erasmus+ Health Literacy (HELEM EU) project meeting to develop a health literacy education program held in Maastrich - The Netherlands

HELEM EUThe third transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ Health Literacy project "Development and Integration of Health Literacy Education with Innovative Methods in Medical Curricula Across Europe", in which the UMU Center for Studies in Medical Education participates, was held on September 22 and 23 at the University of Maastrich (The Netherlands).

The main objective of the project is to develop, implement and evaluate a new health literacy education program using peer education methods and integrating this program into medical curricula, with the aim of improving the skills of doctors through basic undergraduate education.

The meeting covered topics related to the project activities carried out so far, as well as the development of the online teaching platform and its guides, in addition to questions about the project management and upcoming events to be held.

Coordinated by Gazi University of Turkey, and directed from the University of Murcia by Professor Joaquín García-Estañ López of the Faculty of Medicine, the following institutions are participating in this project:

  • GAZI UNIVERSITESI (Turkey) - (coordinator)
  • University of Health Sciences (Turkey)
  • International Institute of Applied Psychology and Human Sciences Associazione Culturale (Italy)

This Strategic Partnership of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission has a duration of 36 months and a budget of 40.000€ for UMU.

In the framework of this project, an intensive program for students of the Erasmus+ Health Literacy project was held last July at the University of Murcia.

Project website:
