Recruitment and Selection


According to the principles set out in the OTM-R, UMU publishes job offers for researchers through two channels: ConvocUM PDI and ConvocUM Proyectos de investigación. 

Vacancies are published on the UMU Official Notice Board (TOUM), on the aforementioned platforms, and on the international portal Euraxess.

Research projects funded by European programmes (Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, ERDF) must advertise recruitment offers internationally and are encouraged to do so through the Euraxess Portal.


ConvocUM is an application to provide the necessary information on the current announcements for recruitment of the Teaching Bodies, and for admission to the labour categories of the Teaching and Research Staff hired, on an indefinite or temporary basis.

UMU complies with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

TOUM - UMU Official Notice Board 

Links of interest:

Regulations for researchers

Regulations related to the teaching and research staff of the UMU, both national and autonomous, in the employment and civil service regime, as well as internal regulations adopted by the Governing Council of the UMU, within the area of its competences.

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EURAXESS is a European initiative providing a wide range of information services and support to researchers who want to pursue their research career in Europe or who want to continue to be involved in research activities in Europe.

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