
Service Information

lnterlibrary Loan Service (University of Murcia)  

lnterlibrary loan is a service whereby you may apply for documents that are not in the Library of the University of Murcia and are owned by other national and foreign libraries. lt is aimed primarily for university community, although it can also be accessed by any externa! user at the University of Murcia who requests it.

lnterlibrary loan provides books, articles from journals and book chapters copies that the library does not have in its collection. Reference works, original old books (befare 1958), rare or complete journals are excluded from the loan.


Users who were interested in using this service should request a code and indicate their personal data via e-mail in the following address: umupi@um.es . The maximum number of documents that can be requested in the same application is 3 books and 5 articles

The lnterlibrary Loan policy of the University of Murcia respects both the agreements established by REBIUN and the IFLA Principies and Procedural Guidelines

Request forms

Users are reminded that the Interlibrary Loan Section (SOLIDO-ILL) will be closed from July 31 to August 30, inclusive. Requests will be handled at a later date.

The Interlibrary Loan Section (SOLIDO-ILL) will not be requesting book loans beginning Monday, July 15. Requests for articles will be processed without interruption until Friday, July 26.

Applications can be made filling in the on-line form, by email (umupi@um.es) in person at our University Libraries.


Loan books can be collected at :

  • La Merced Campus (Antonio de Nebrija Library) or
  • Espinardo Campus (María Moliner Library, SÓLIDO,lnterlibrary Loan Service). 
  • Ciencias Salud Campus (Medicine Library)

Time required to receive requested material can vary considerably, depanding on the availability of the material or the location of the lending library. That determines the loan period, which can vary from 2 to 4 weeks.


Service rates 2022








REBIUN (Spanish University Libraries Network)


(Since 2019 some libraries belonging to REBIUN have subscribed ICAC agreement for the free supply of journal articles)

  • Until 40 copias: 3,30 €+ 21% IVA=3,99 €
  • Each block of 10 extra copies: 1 € + 21% IVA = 1.21 €

8,00 €


British Library Document Supply Centre

According to budget

35,00 €

SUBITO Documents from Libraries

According to budget

15,00 €

Nilde-Network Inter-Library Document Exchange

According to budget


Bibliothèque Nationale de France

According to budget

According to budget

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze

According to budget

According to budget


  • Our service will request the most expensive rates as a last resort, and always with the authorization of the person who makes the request, which may be indicated on the application form or in the following e-mail address: umupi@um.es.
  • For the request of other types of documents: digitalization of old historical books, CD-ROM copies, etc. a previous budget will be requested. This budget should be approved by the petitioner.
  • Any petitioner can ask for the cost of the interlibrary loan to our staff before making the request, and indicate on the application form the maximum price they are willing to pay.

Our Interlibrary Loan service will provide free of charge the articles requested by professors of the University of Murcia in the case the cost of the loan can be assumed by the Library. When the cost is higher than expected, only the articles belonging to journals whose subscription has been cancelled by the University of Murcia will be served for free.

The payment can be made in any of the bank branches offered in the invoice. In the case of professors of the University of Murcia, the cost of the service will be charged to their corresponding Department.

Contac the Interlibrary Loan Service

Address: María Moliner General Library. Ground floor. Campus de Espinardo. Murcia.

Public opening hours: 08:30 to 14:30 from Monday to Friday.

E-mail address: umupi@um.es

Telephone numbers:

+34 868 883340  Zaida Sánchez-Terrer (zst@um.es, Head of Interlibrary loan service) 
+34 868 883346  Remedios Rosell-Pérez (rrp@um.es)
+34 868 883346  Nora Pedro Bernal (Auxiliar de Biblioteca)

Biblioteca Universitaria

Biblioteca de la Universidad de Murcia

Atención al Usuario (de lunes a viernes de 8:30 a 21:00 horas):

868 88 7817 (Espinardo)

868 88 3133 (Merced)


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