Pricing information

General information

In accordance with the proposed prices for Visiting Students approved by the Governing Board in ordinary session on May 28th, 2021, the prices payable are those approved for each academic year in the corresponding Regulation on public prices to be paid for the provision of university services, in addition to a margin of 20%.

Visiting students must pay the fee to open a student file, registration fee, or certification fee established in the Regulation on public prices to be paid for the provision of university services for each academic year.

For more information on public prices see:


Undergraduate level courses*

17.26 euros/credit for courses in the Social Sciences, Law, and Arts and the Humanities.

20.14 euros/credit for courses in the Sciences, Health Sciences, and Engineering and Architecture.

Master's level courses*

20,14 euros/credit for:

  • Master´s courses in Law
  • Master´s courses in Secondary School Teacher Training
  • Master´s courses in the Prevention of Occupational Risks.
  • Master´s courses General Health Psychology.

42,29 euros/credit for Master's courses in STEM that do not grant access to the exercise of regulated professional activity.

44,53 euros/credit for all other Master´s courses.

56,36 euros/credit in especial Experimentalidad.

* Check prices for degrees offered by participating Faculties:

Price calculator

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