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New! Researcher Career path in Spain at a glance! (7th edition)

This is a complete updated diagram showing the different stages of the research career in Spain, aligning the contracts and positions for the different stages of the research career based on the European Research Career Framework (R1-R4). It also identifies the different grants and calls for proposals that you will be able to apply for at any given time, including links where you can find further information on each of the calls for proposals. Seventh edition: 2024. More information about "Research Career Path in Spain"

Career development in research involves moving towards a fully independent position as a researcher. Young researchers starting their careers need to think about where they want to go. For this reason, detailed career planning is vital to achieve career goals.

The European Framework for Research Careers distinguishes and describes four career paths or profiles in research careers, which are independent of any sector:

  • R1 Researcher - Researcher in Training. This refers to researchers doing research under supervision in universities, research institutes or industry. Includes doctoral students.
  • R2 Researcher - Recognised Researcher. Researchers who already hold a doctorate, but who have not yet reached a significant level of independence, or researchers with an equivalent level of experience and competence.
  • R3 Researcher - Independent Researcher. Researchers who have already developed a level of independence.
  • R4 Researcher - Senior Researcher. Outstanding researchers in their area of research or field of knowledge. Includes research group leaders or heads of laboratories in R&D industries.


In the documents “Towards a European Framework for Research Careers, and “Career Skill Measurement for Researchers. Eurodoc position”, a description of the necessary and desirable skills for each stage can be found.

Research Career map at UMU and in Spain

  • Research career map at UMU: Updated diagram showing the different calls and grants aimed at research personnel, separated by type of call and career path. 


  • Plan Propio de investigación de la Universidad de Murcia (this information complements the Researcher career path in Spain at a glance! with the opportunities offered by the UMU):  
    • Convocatoria complementaria de un contrato postdoctoral en el marco de la Línea de actuación 1 del proyecto “ThinkInAzul” del Plan Complementario de Ciencias Marinas.
    • Convocatoria de contratos postdoctorales en el marco del proyecto “AGROALNEXT” del Plan Complementario de Agroalimentación.
    • Convocatoria de Ayudas de Iniciación a la Investigación del Plan de Fomento de la Investigación de la Universidad de Murcia para 2023, cofinanciada por el Banco Santander (pendiente de publicar)

    • Convocatoria de contratos predoctorales del Plan de Fomento de la Investigación de la Universidad de Murcia para 2024 (pendiente de publicar)

    • Becas de Formación Práctica en I+D+i 2023

    • Ayudas para Estancias en el Extranjero 2023  

Contact: UGI - Gestión de proyectos y ayudas UMU

Tools, documents of interest and calls

  • Career Orientation tool: a tool aimed at researchers who want to assess their motivations and identify actions and resources to take the next steps. It can help early stage researchers to get started in the world of career development so that they can start to actively manage their career path.
  • PIPERS Project Career Kit: a collection of learning resources on entrepreneurship, intellectual property, leadership skills, research career management, professional development, researcher self-assessment, exploitation of research results and working with industry.
  • Discover: careers beyond academia: information on career possibilities and options in other sectors: information on the different sectors, jobs and skills required, career planning, testimonials from researchers working outside academia.
  • Manual for Scientific EntrepreneurshipThis wbesite of the Career Development section of the EURAXESS researcher support website contains practical recommendations, especially for early career researchers, useful links and interesting tools to enhance the value of research results.
  • Introduction to Researcher Careers Beyond Academia toolkitThis is a toolkit ready to use for researchers interested in exploring and planning their careers outside academia, for research organizations who want to provide information and support to their researchers in their career transition, and for EURAXESS members who want to collaborate in the Hub

Others information sources:

  • Talent Development Suite: a tool to help with personal career development planning, analysing past and present, and what the future career idea is. In addition, there is a section with a journey map, where you can put how you see yourself in the future and the milestones you hope to achieve.
  • DocPro: offers an insight into the skills that PhD researchers develop throughout their careers. It provides a clear and well-structured view of the skills you have to offer an employer. It is a tool for analysis, self-assessment and communication that will help you prepare for a career change and enhance your skills. It also allows you to contact employers.
  • myIDP:  is a free career planning tool to help pre- and postdoctoral researchers in science define and pursue their career goals.
  • Skills Match: is a free tool that identifies soft-skills based on chosen occupations and matches them with existing online courses.
  • Euraxess Policy Library: Documentation and information collection of the "European Research Area" (EU Policies, Mobility, Research Careers, Universities,...)