
Doctorado en Artes y Humanidades: Bellas Artes, Literatura, Teología, Traducción e Interpretación y Lingüística General e Inglesa

Imagen Doctorado en Artes y Humanidades

This unified Doctoral Program includes training for PhD students in Fine Art, Theology and Classical and Modern Languages. It is therefore a broad and diverse programme, offering wide and plural possibilities for students who wish to approach research in this branch of knowledge and pursue an interdisciplinary approach to the field of Arts and Humanities.


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Dña. Carmen María Pujante Segura
Facultad de Letras
+34 868 88 4897
+34 868 88 3185

Poster AA.HH

Portal de Estudios de la Universidad de Murcia
Teléfono: 868 88 88 88

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