
PhD in Mathematics

Doctorado en Matemáticas

The programme is mainly addressed to graduates in Mathematics or Statistics who have completed a master's degree in those disciplines. Students with other degrees (such as Information Technology, Economics, Engineering, etc.) may also be accepted provided they have completed a master's degree in Mathematics or Statistics and are admitted in the selection process. With regards to selection, the master’s degree in Advanced and Professional Mathematics taught at the University of Murcia is ideal as it offers an introduction to some of our programme research lines.

The Doctoral Programme in Mathematics of the University of Murcia has trained a good number of doctors and has received the Quality Mention every year since that mention was established in 2003. In addition, the programme was distinguished in 2011 (BOE 20/10/2011) with the Mention towards Excellence.

The new Doctorate Programme in Mathematics at the University of Murcia arises from the Doctorate Programme at the University of Murcia which was first taught in the 1980s and which was transformed into the Postgraduate in Mathematics at the University of Murcia. This programme is carried out thanks to the funding that the University of Murcia receives from the Region of Murcia, the programmes to fund lecturer mobility in doctorate programmes, the funding given to our lecturers’ research projects and the registration fees of our students.

The Doctoral Programme in Mathematics of the University of Murcia has trained a good number of doctors and has received the Quality Mention every year since that mention was established in 2003. In addition, the programme was distinguished in 2011 (BOE 20/10/2011) with the Mention towards Excellence, which demonstrates the quality of our lecturing staff and of the theses carried out by our students. This is our main asset.

The programme is mainly addressed to graduates in Mathematics or Statistics who have completed a master's degree in those disciplines. Students with other degrees (such as Information Technology, Economics, Engineering, etc.) may also be accepted provided they have completed a master's degree in Mathematics or Statistics and are admitted in the selection process. With regards to selection, the master’s degree in Advanced and Professional Mathematics taught at the University of Murcia is ideal as it offers an introduction to some of our programme research lines.

A priori, evaluating the practical interest that basic and fundamental research such as in our mathematics programme is not straightforward. Research in this field is considered essential in all developed countries, it gives rise to applications in a wide range of fields and yet it is still essentially impossible to identify future applications. However, as an example, in addition to the applications of theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics, our programme research lines may potentially be applied to Risk Theory, Cryptography, Computer Sciences, Discrimination Genetics in Medicine, Survival Analysis, Theory of Reliability, Localisation and Transportation, Unified Field Theory and Particle Models, General Relativity, Image Design and Analysis, etc. The large number of active research projects lead by our teachers and researchers demonstrate the validity of these applications and their connection with R+D actions in the professional scientific sector.

Spanish and English are the official languages in the programme. However, students who have not mastered any of these languages may be admitted whenever the Academic Commission agrees, and suitable tutors are available. Specific language training activities will also be offered whenever possible through the International School of Doctoral Studies for those students who may need them.

Our researchers have working relationships with many research teams and networks both in Spain and abroad, as can be seen by the large number of joint publications. These relationships enable students to choose among a large number of training opportunities i.e. stages in other centres, international theses or specialised training through visiting professors.

The Doctorate Programme in Mathematics is integrated in the International School of Doctoral Studies of the University of Murcia (EIDUM), which contributes to better training our students and to increasing the potential applications of our research through collaboration with other research teams within the School. Specific mention should also be given to the extensive relationships between our researchers and other well-respected prestigious research teams from around the world and the possibilities these relationships offer to enrich and complete students training.

The Doctorate Programme in Mathematics is taught at the Faculty of Mathematics, building 15, Espinardo Campus, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain.


D. Matías Raja Baño
 Faculty of Mathematics
+34 868 88 4166
+34 868 88 4182

Portal de Estudios de la Universidad de Murcia
Teléfono: 868 88 88 88

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