Complementos formativos Doctorado en Artes y Humanidades: Bellas Artes, Literatura, Teología, Traducción e Interpretación y Lingüística General e Inglesa

In its Regulations governing official doctoral studies (approved by the Governing Board on 27 January 2012), The University of Murcia establishes that applicants holding an official Spanish Degree or Graduate Certificate with a duration of at least 300 ECTS credits must compulsorily complete the training supplements referred to in Article 7.2 of the Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January, unless the syllabus of the degree includes research training credits of an equivalent value to the research credits in master's degree studies.

Graduates from areas of knowledge other than the research line in which they want to complete their Doctoral programme must complete their training with training complements offered by the Doctorate Programme itself through the Specific Training in Arts and Humanities activity. This training will correspond to the MECES-3 level and will serve to level common knowledge. This training complement will be taught during the first year to students who have been admitted to the PhD programme based on their previous degree and selected research line. Thus, students who access the doctoral program with degrees other than the preferred degrees mentioned above must take the specific training complements for the line in which they have enrolled.

Those who have completed the direct-access master's degrees or degrees contemplated in the preferential access profile will not have to carry out the complementary training.

The specific acitivity will require an estimated 15 ECTS credits of student dedication, given the MECES-3 level of these training complements.

These training complements are described in detail below.





This mandatory training activity is offered from the Doctoral Programme as a training complement for graduates (from universities other than the University of Murcia or from areas of knowledge different from the research line in which they want to complete their doctoral programme) who, at the discretion of the Academic Commission of the Degree, will thus be able to complete their training to acquire the fundamentals and research methodology in accordance with the research line selected by the student.


Through this activity, it is intended that the students who take enrol in the PhD programme may acquire the sufficient background in Arts and Humanities, so that they obtain a leveling and minimum common knowledge that will allow them to successfully face the programme in their research line.

The specific objectives of the activity are the following:

1. Get to know the theoretical and methodological foundations of the different paradigms and trends in research in the research lines of the Doctoral Program.

2. Understand the fundamental concepts of the relevant theories in the research lines of the Doctoral Programme.

3. Know the heuristic treatment given to the phenomena in their field of study.

4. Master the format for presenting research work in the field of the Arts and Humanities lines contemplated in the Doctoral Programme.

5. Know and satisfactorily use documentary sources and bibliography in the field(s) of research encompassed by the Doctoral Programme.

6. Develop the ability to establish the theoretical foundation and objectives of a piece of research in the research lines of the Doctoral Programme.


Module 1: Concept, Methodology and Contents

· Interdisciplinary work formulas.

· Identification of problems associated with sources and their treatment.

· Research Line individualization

Module 2: Fundamentals of Research in Arts and Humanities

· Research line in Fine Arts: Theories, Aesthetics and Artistic Criticism

· Research line in Historical and Synchronic Linguistics: Linguistic Theories and Schools

· Research line in English Linguistics: Anglo-American Linguistic Theories and Schools

· Research line in Literature: Genres, Canon, Forms and Themes

· Research line in Theology: Theological Hermeneutics and Trends

· Research line in Translation and Interpreting: Theories of Textual Interpretation

Module 3: Research Methodology in Arts and Humanities

· Research line in Fine Arts: Sources, Materials, Spaces and Artistic Techniques

· Research line in Historical and Synchronic Linguistics: Texts, Methods, Techniques and Interpretative Data

· Research line in English Linguistics: Texts, Methods, Techniques and Interpretative Data

· Research line in Literature: Models of literary reality and poetic techniques

· Research line in Theology: Scripture, Culture, Tradition and Faith

· Research line in Translation and Interpreting: Translation techniques, methods and tools

Time planning:

Full-time students: 1st year. Semester: 1st

Part-time students: 1st/2nd year. Semester: 1st

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the training activity, students will have acquired the following knowledge regarding their research line:

· Know the theoretical and methodological foundations of the different schools and trends.

· Delve into the main theoretical frameworks.

· Be familiar with the fundamental concepts of the theories and methodologies.

· Know the heuristic treatment given to phenomena in Arts and Humanities.

· Be familiar with the format for presenting research work.

Language(s) of instruction: Spanish

Other clarifications:

Graduates from universities other than the University of Murcia or from areas of knowledge different from the research line in which they want to carry out their doctoral programme may complete their training with training complements offered by the Doctorate Programme itself through the training activity Formación Específica en Artes y Humanidades (Specific training in Arts and Humanities) (with a minimum of 30 hours), training that will correspond to the MECES-3 level and will serve to level common knowledge.

This training complement must be taught during the first year to students who have been admitted to the PhD Programme based on their degree of origin and the chosen Research line. The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme will be in charge of its application as established in the admission criteria for each Profile Those who have completed direct access master's degrees or degrees contemplated in the access profile will not have to take this training supplement. This activity will require at least 75 estimated hours of student dedication.