Actividades formativas Doctorado en Salud, Discapacidad, Dependencia y Bienestar (Interuniversitario)

Actividades Obligatorias


  • Writing and acceptance of a scientific article in an indexed journal
    Number of hours: 100
  • Final writing of research papers
    Number of hours: 70
  • Drafting a research plan
    Number of hours: 60
  • Oral presentation of a research plan
    Number of hours: 20
  • Elaboration of the experimental part of the work (pilot study, improvement of techniques, interventions, or measurements to perform, sampling, data collection, statistical processing)
    Number of hours: 500 h.
  • Research seminar to share progress of research work
    Number of hours: 25
  • Submission, acceptance, and presentation of an oral or written scientific communication (poster) to a national or international congress
    Number of hours: 40
  • Update of the review and drafting of research work
    Number of hours: 250

Actividades Optativas



  • Seminar on the use of documentary resources
    Number of hours: 10
  • Seminar on ethics and legal issues applied to research
    Number of hours: 10
  • Stay in other related research centres
    Number of hours: 240