Actividades formativas Doctorado en Biología Molecular y Biotecnología

The Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (DBMBT) at the University of Murcia (UMU), will describe its activities through the website of the International School of Doctoral Studies of the University of Murcia (EIDUM, It should be remembered that doctoral students’ main activity must be research and therefore the time devoted to the following training activities should not exceed 5-8% of the total (around 80-100 hours per year).

The following downloadable pdf file indicates the Specific Training Activities (AF1-4) of the Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology; the doctoral student will have the option of taking them full or part time depending on their length or annual repetition, with the approval of the Supervisor/Tutor. Details of the timeframe and planning are given for orientation purposes. Activities AF1, AF3 and AF4 are Optional. Activity AF2 is Mandatory.

Moreover, the Transversal Training Activities (AF5-10) are indicated highlighted by their relationship with the programme, developed by different units of the University of Murcia, among them the International School of Doctorate Studies at the University of Murcia (EIDUM). It will plan the common transversal activities available for the doctorate programmes ascribed to it, and inherent in training in research, personal and values, so that the doctoral students gain the knowledge and academic and professional competencies approved in their doctoral programmes. Activities AF5-10 are Optional.

Actividades Obligatorias


  • Presentation of own results to the team and bibliographic update

Actividades Optativas



  • Attendance to Research Seminars
  • Participation in National/International Conference
  • (Mobility) International/National Stay in Research Centres with international prestige

Description of the Training Activities


The following activities can be accredited by means of the computer application, within the Personal Record of Activities of the Doctoral Student on the Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology:

Section-1: Record of Interviews. Interviews with the Tutor/Supervisor.
Section-2: Activities established in the Doctorate Programme. See AF1-10.
Section-3: Attendance at Courses/Congresses. Attendance at other Courses other than those of AF1-10.
Section-4: Other training activities. Performing different activities other than those described previously (Research papers published including citing bibliography, etc.).

The Personal Record of Activities of the Doctoral Student will be assessed annually by the Tutor, the Supervisors, and the Academic Commission of the Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, in accordance with the regulations established by the EIDUM.

Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: First year Monitoring Actions

With regard to each doctoral student enrolled on the Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, the following actions will be carried out in the First Year of the Doctorate, by those persons listed.
Action-1.1. Assign the Tutor. Academic Commission of the Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
Action-1.2. Assign Supervisors. Academic Commission of the Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
Action-1.3. Carrying out Activities. Doctoral student, with Tutor/Supervisor validation.
Action-1.4. Deliver the Commitment Document. Doctoral student, Tutor, Supervisors, Vice-rector of Lecture Planning.
Action-1.5. Delivery of the Research Plan. Doctoral student, Supervisors.
Action-1.6. Delivery of the Personal Record of Activities. Doctoral Student, Tutor, Supervisors.
Action-1.7. Annual assessment of the Research Plan and Personal Record of Activities of the Doctoral Student. Tutor, Supervisors, Academic Commission.

Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: Second to Fifth year Monitoring Actions

With regard to each doctoral student enrolled on the Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, the following actions will be carried out in the Second and Third Years of the Doctorate, and, if applicable, the Fourth (ordinary extension) and Fifth (extraordinary extension) Years of the Doctorate, by those persons listed.
Action-n.1. Carrying out Activities. Doctoral student, with Tutor/Supervisor validation.
Action-n.2. Delivery of the updated Research Plan. Doctoral student, Supervisors.
Action-n.3. Delivery of the updated Personal Record of Activities. Doctoral Student, Tutor, Supervisors.
Action-n.4. Annual assessment of the Research Plan and Personal Record of Activities of the Doctoral Student. Tutor, Supervisors, Academic Commission.

Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: Calendars of Actions

The calendars of Actions for each academic year, as well as the corresponding documents, will be established and published by the EIDUM ( In all cases, it should be taken into account that, from the date of the presentation of the First Research Plan:

  • Research Papers published will be considered, for the elaboration of the Doctoral Thesis in the mode of Compendium of Publications.
  • Research Stays carried out will be considered, for those opting for the International Doctor Mention.

For all of the above, it is recommended to act quickly in the First Year actions of the Doctroate on the Doctorate Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.