Training complements (PhD in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling)

Students who wish to be admitted onto this doctoral programme are recommended to hold a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science and a master’s degree in either Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling or Theoretical and Computational Chemistry.

In those cases in which students hold a different bachelor’s or master’s degree to those mentioned above, the Academic Coordination Committee will establish the training complements to be taken. The training complements will be mandatory subjects of the 1st year of the aforementioned master’s degrees up to 20 credits These specific training complements will be considered to the level of doctoral studies in terms of public prices and grants and scholarships. The duration of these specific activities will not count within the 3-year period of doctoral studies (from the student's admission to the defence of their thesis) A student's training complements will be registered in the student’s portfolio. 

In those cases that the bachelor’s degree has a duration of at least 300 ECTS and no previous master’s degree has been completed, academic training complements will be mandatory unless the syllabus degree included research training credits. In that case, the supervisor will suggest the academic complements required by the Academic Committee for the Student’s research depending on the academic record.

The following subjects will be considered:

-Foundation of Maths of Quantum Mechanics (5 ECTS)

-Statistical Mechanics and applications in simulation (5 ECTS)

-Methods of Theoretical Chemistry I (5 ECTS)

-Methods of Theoretical Chemistry II (5 ECTS)

These subjects will be taken after admission and enrolment on the doctoral programme and may be taken locally or in intensive courses organised jointly by the participating universities. A maximum of one academic year will be available to pass the required training complements. These must be passed in order to continue the doctoral programme.

Regardless of the bachelor’s degree previously taken, all students who have not completed a master's degree including Theoretical Chemistry or simulation tools must complete training complements. When assigning the training complements, each case will be assessed on an individual basis. The following generic profiles will be considered:

  1. Students holding a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and master’s degree in Chemistry which do not include specific training in simulation techniques or Theoretical Chemistry. They must take the four subjects mentioned above.
  2. Students holding a bachelor’s degree in Physics or Materials Sciences and a master's degree in Physics must take the following subjects: Methods of Theoretical Chemistry I and Methods of Theoretical Chemistry II (5 ECTS).
  3. Students holding a bachelor’s degree and Master's degrees in Mathematics must take the following subjects: Statistical Mechanics and Applications in Simulation, Methods of Theoretical Chemistry I and Methods of Theoretical Chemistry II (5 ECTS).
  4. The rest of the students holding different bachelor’s and master's degrees must take the four subjects mentioned above.

Depending on the students’ Curriculum Vitae, courses and prior academic training (Bachelor's degree and Master's degree and subjects), the Academic Coordination Committee will decide whether students can take fewer courses than those indicated previously.