Training complements (PhD in Education)

As already stated, to enter the Doctoral Programme in Education you must have a Bachelor’s or Master's degree in the field of Education. 

However, the Academic Committee will assess the competences gained in the required degrees in three particular aspects:

  1. Initiation in Educational Research 
  2. Educational Research Methodology
  3. Educational Research Results

That is to say that the student must have prior training that enables him/her to:

  • Identify current gaps, challenges, problems and needs in Education, paying particular attention to the role played by research and innovation in the field.
  • Identify and formulate research problems and assess their relevance, interest, and opportunity in the educational context.
  • Select and efficiently manage databases and international bibliographic resources that enable an accurate review of the supporting theoretical frameworks for research.
  • Identify and select the most suitable research methods to solve real problems.
  • Select or develop tools to gather information and reach the proposed objectives.
  • Apply the analysis, classification and encoding of information as essential elements for research in the socio-educational field.
  • Effectively manage statistical packages and interpret the results obtained.
  • Critically analyse and interpret educational research reports.
  • Present and defend, orally and in writing, the results of research work.
  • Recognise research in education as a permanent tool for innovation and educational and social improvement, and identify the appropriate forums to disseminate results.

In the event that the acquisition of these competences is not accredited, students must take some or all of the following training complements to acquire them:

a.    As subjects of master's degrees at the University of Murcia that the Academic Committee will establish and that will have to be enrolled on.
b.    Through the transversal training activities of the International Doctoral School that will be offered throughout the academic year for that purpose.
c.    And for students not belonging to the University of Murcia or in exceptional cases, through training activities or master's degree subjects at other universities, bearing in mind that in that case they must accredit their completion before uploading the research plan to the doctoral platform. The Academic Committee will decide on the proposal for recognition.

Title: Starting in Educational Research

Number of hours: 20 

Activity type: training complement course 

Justification: Doctoral students must be acquainted with the nature of research in education, the problems it approaches, the bibliographic sources and documentary databases it uses.


  1. Role of research and innovation in Education.
  2. Hallmarks of research in education.
  3. Identification and formulation of research problems.
  4. Bibliographic sources. Critical review of literature.
  5. The web at the service of research

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify current gaps, challenges, problems and needs in Education, and review the role played by research and innovation in the field.
  • Identify and formulate research problems and assess their relevance, interest and adequacy in the educational context.
  • Select and efficiently manage databases and international bibliographic catalogues that enable an accurate review of the supporting theoretical frameworks for research.

Language: Spanish

Control procedure: Control of attendance and tasks fulfilment by tutors

Title: Educational Research Methodology

Number of hours: 30

Activity type: training complement course

Justification: Doctoral students must be trained in research methodology: quantitative versus qualitative, designs, key elements of research, tools for information gathering, analysis strategies ...


  1. Basis and epistemological foundations of research applied to education.
  2. The process of research.
  3. Selection and /or development of information-gathering tools.
  4. Quantitative methodologies. Data analysis.
  5. Qualitative methodologies. Data analysis.
  6. Use of computer packages

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify and select the most suitable research methods to solve real problems.
  • Select or develop information-gathering tools that enable us to reach the proposed objectives.
  • Apply the process of information analysis, classification and encoding as sources of information, documentation and keys media for research in the socio-educational field.
  • Effectively manage statistical packages and interpret the results obtained.

Language: Spanish

Control procedure: Control of attendance and tasks fulfilment by tutors.

Title: Research Results

Number of hours: 10

Activity type: training complement course

Justification: The doctoral student must be acquainted with the structure of the different means of results dissemination (articles, reports ...) and must have presented research results…


  1. Definition and purpose of the research report.
  2. Structure of research articles
  3. Oral presentation and defence of research work.
  4. Means of disseminating results from research in the field of education.

Learning outcomes:

  • Critically analyse and interpret educational research reports.
  • Present and defend research results orally and in writing.
  • Recognise applied research in the field of education as a tool for permanent innovation and educational and social improvement, and identify the appropriate forums to disseminate its results

Language: Spanish

Control procedure: Control of attendance and tasks fulfilment by tutors.