Training complements (Organisational Information and Communication Management)

Training complements will only be necessary for those students who have been admitted onto the doctoral programme holding a related degree, that is to say, those students who have achieved at least 80% of the skills required by the doctoral programme as described in the Applicant profile. In such a case, they will have to undertake the following training complements:


Complement No.1: “Scientific Research: Contemporary Methodological Approach” (6 ECTS)

Timeline: semester 1, year 1

Competences and learning outcomes acquired by the student on this module:

  • C1       Foundation knowledge in Science, scientific research techniques, and essential elements of the scientific method.
  • C2       To identify and manage the different types of documents and documentary information sources.
  • C3       To discern the essential elements of scientific work, focusing on documentary aspects that favour the transfer of knowledge (abstract and indexing)
  • C4       To easily manage different tools that improve the adequate management of every aspect related to research.

The acquisition and implementation of the said skills are considered explicitly foreseeable learning outcomes according to criteria of effectiveness, adequacy and opportunity.

Pre-requisites: the doctoral degree admission criteria.

Training activities with their content in ECTS, teaching-learning methodology and the relationship with the skills that students must acquire.

Classroom presentation using the method of lesson, concepts and processes relating to the area of study, interrelationships with other areas and research areas and traditions. (40%)

  • Degree-general skills: CG1, CG2, CG6
  • Degree-specific skills: CE1, CE6, CE11, CE12
  • Subject-specific skills: C1, C2, C3


Assessment procedure

In general, skills assessment will be proportional to the type of planned activities.

Subject to the Spanish Internal Quality Assurance (SIGC), in case of interdisciplinary competences or shared subjects, the coordination of academic activities and their evaluation will require, for example, considering the different acquisition levels of the same competence and coordinating evaluation methods in different subjects.

Training activities of students’ presentation of knowledge and procedures, and of self-study (relating to conceptual and procedural skills) will be evaluated through written tests.

Training activities in which students carry out group/individual work or activities (relating to the development of procedural and instrumental skills) will be evaluated through a profile of skills created ad hoc which considers the documentation submitted by students (reports), as well as their work, skills and attitudes.

Monitoring of individual/group supervision sessions is a complementary source for students’ evaluation, being particularly important in the case of blended learning.

Subject to the Regulations of the University of Murcia, assessments will be expressed in numbers; students’ results will be evaluated according to the following numerical scale from 0 to 10 to an accuracy of one decimal point to which qualitative marks can be added: 0-4.9: Suspenso (fail); 5.0-6.9: Aprobado (pass); 7.0-8.9: Notable (pass with distinction); 9.0-10: Sobresaliente (pass with honours)

Although teaching can be blended, the students’ evaluation must be supervised by a tutor. Students’ identification (in assessments requiring attendance) will be supervised personally by local lecturers from each university since there is always a local tutor in coordination with the lecturer in charge of the blended subject.

Brief content description:

Information as a strategic resource in organisations. Concept of Integral information system. Documental Management. Data Warehouse and Data Mining. Communication processes in organisations. Groupware systems. Audit Information.

Supervision sessions (individual/group) for the contrast and verification of developments in skills acquisition and continuous and final assessment. (15 %)

Degree-general skills: C1, CG2, CG4, CG5 Degree-specific skills: CE1, CE5, CE6, CE11, CE12 Subject-specific skills: C1, C3, C5, C6

Fieldwork developed autonomously by students implementing issues under the two methods above. Students will conduct and submit a paper by analysing the theoretical and conceptual implications of a real example. (20 %)

Degree general skills: CG3, CG4, CG5 Degree specific skills: CE1, CE5, CE6, CE7, CE11, CE12 Subject specific skills: C4, C5, C6


Classroom or online class activities relating to individual/group acquisition of skills and projects. These activities include the methodology of projects and case studies, developed individually or in groups (depending on their nature) (20 %)

Degree-general skills: CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5 Degree-specific skills: CE2, CE3, CE5, CE6, CE7 Subject-specific skills:  C2, C4, C5, C6

Brief content description

Research methodology: theoretical foundations. Research methods. General guidelines in research design. Data analysis. Qualitative vs. quantitative research. Documentary techniques applied to scientific knowledge transmission. Presentation of research results.

Complement No. 2: “Strategic Management of Information in Organisations” (6 ECTS)

Timeline: Semester 2, year 1

Competences and learning outcomes acquired by the student on this module:

  • C1. To acknowledge the strategic value of information as a resource in organisations.
  • C2. To analyse a corporation information system from an overall perspective that covers processes, products and services addressed to both members and users/clients in the organisation.
  • C3. To distinguish and identify components of a documental management system and be able to integrate them in the corporation information system.
  • C4. To recognise and have a good command of the structure of data warehouses in organisations and be able to use them through data mining techniques.
  • C5. To use techniques and strategies for the development of audit tasks of information resources in organisations.
  • C6. To have skills for the conceptual design of a corporate information system under an overall and integral perspective of management, use and communication of information.

The acquisition and implementation of the said skills are considered explicitly foreseeable learning outcomes according to criteria of effectiveness, adequacy and opportunity.

Pre-requisites: the doctoral degree admission criteria.

Training activities with their content in ECTS, teaching-learning methodology and the relationship with the skills that students must acquire

Classroom presentation using the method of lesson, concepts and processes relating to the area of study, interrelationships with other areas and research areas and traditions. (40%)

Degree-general skills: CG1, CG4, CG5, CG6 Degree-specific skills:  CE1, CE2, CE3, CE5, CE6, CE7, CE8 Subject-specific skills: C1, C2, C3, C4

Assessment procedure

In general, skills assessment will be proportional to the type of planned activities. Subject to the Spanish Internal Quality Assurance (SIGC), in case of interdisciplinary competences or shared subjects, the coordination of academic activities and their evaluation will require, for example, considering the different acquisition levels of the same competence and coordinating evaluation methods in different subjects. Training activities of students’ presentation of knowledge and procedures, and of self-study (relating to conceptual and procedural skills) will be evaluated through written tests. Training activities in which students carry out group/individual work or activities (relating to the development of procedural and instrumental skills) will be evaluated through a profile of skills created ad hoc which considers the documentation submitted by students (reports), as well as their work, skills and attitudes. Monitoring of individual/group supervision sessions is a complementary source for students’ evaluation, being particularly important in the case of blended learning. Subject to the Regulations of the University of Murcia, assessments will be expressed in numbers; students’ results will be evaluated according to the following numerical scale from 0 to 10 to an accuracy of one decimal point to which qualitative marks can be added: 0-4.9: Suspenso (fail); 5.0-6.9: Aprobado (pass); 7.0-8.9: Notable (pass with distinction); 9.0-10: Sobresaliente (pass with honours) Although teaching can be blended, the students’ evaluation must be supervised by a tutor. Students’ identification (in assessments requiring attendance) will be supervised personally by local lecturers from each university since there is always a local tutor in coordination with the lecturer in charge of the blended subject.

Supervision sessions (individual/group) for the contrast and verification of developments in skills acquisition and continuous and final assessment. (15 %)

Degree-general skills: CG1, CG3, CG5 Degree-specific skills: CE1, CE2, CE3, CE4, CE11, CE12 Subject-specific skills: C1, C2, C3, C4

Fieldwork developed autonomously by students implementing issues under the two methods above. Students will conduct and submit a paper by analysing the theoretical and conceptual implications of a real example. (20 %)

Degree-general skills: CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6 Degree-specific skills: CE1, CE2, CE5, CE6, CE7, CE11, CE12 Subject-specific skills: C2, C3, C4

Classroom or online class activities relating to individual/group acquisition of skills and projects. These activities include the methodology of projects and case studies, developed individually or in groups (depending on their nature) (20 %)

Degree-general skills: CG1, CG2, CG4, CG5 Degree-specific skills: CE1, CE2, CE6, CE7 Subject-specific skills: C2, C3, C4