Rules of use

Document "Rules of use" (pdf document).

  • The Laboratorio Innovación Docente (hereinafter LID) space must be booked in advance by the teaching staff through the University of Murcia's space booking website (
  • It is not possible to enter until the person in charge of the LID is present.
  • The staff in charge of the LID can check the identity of the user at any time, as well as the veracity of the data provided when making the reservation, in order to validate it.
  • If the LID is not occupied within a quarter of an hour of the start of the booking, the booking will be cancelled and the room may be used by another group.
  • If the LID has no subsequent booking, it may continue to be occupied by the same group.
  • For reasons of hygiene and safety, it is not permitted to eat, drink or, of course, smoke inside the LID.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the LID for purposes other than teaching innovation. If misuse of the LID is observed, we reserve the right to take appropriate disciplinary action.
  • LID material is not available for loan and can only be accessed on site (books, games, tablets, etc.).
  • If the LID is left empty for more than a quarter of an hour, it must be locked for security reasons.

  • The LID material(s) may only be removed from the LID while it is in use, otherwise it must be kept in the place reserved for its storage. At the end of the use of the laboratory materials, they shall be returned to the place where they have been taken, in an orderly manner.

  • Before leaving the LID, the chairs shall be left in perfect order and the tables shall be cleaned of any remains of materials that may have been left on them.

  • If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the innovation unit staff.