Frequently asked questions about the call for grants for Teaching Innovation Groups (GID)

The GIDs with the composition they have at the closing date of the current call for grant.

a). Inventory material necessary for the development of the GID's work, in the opinion of its coordinator.

b). Essential fungible material to carry out the actions of the group.

c). Travel expenses of the members of the GID, collaborators or temporary collaborators, who appear as such in the group, to participate in meetings that have as their purpose the development of the work, the contact with other GID, or the diffusion of their results in Conferences, Seminars or Congresses. In this type of expenditure, the system of compensation provided for in the legislation in force will be applied.

d). Expenses related to the organization of conferences, seminars or informative events, whose object is teaching innovation and which are organized by the GID.

Neither protocol expenses nor personal payments for GID coordination or training are eligible for financing. Training in any subject required by the GID must be channeled through the Center for Training and Professional Development.

Exceptionally, protocol expenses may be incurred if they are associated with a training or information activity related to teaching innovation, with the prior authorization of the Vice-Rector for Studies.

It is not necessary to submit an application, it will be resolved with the merits entered in INNOVAGID both in the database and manually by the members and validated by the coordinator.

Send an e-mail to the Innovation Unit at the following address: uni_innova@um.es indicating this circumstance.

Frequently asked questions about the procedure for the recognition, modification and extension of Teaching Innovation Groups (GID)

It is a stable working group that collaborates around common lines and principles for the development and implementation of innovation activities and teaching improvement.

It is a stable working group that collaborates around common lines and principles for the development and implementation of innovation activities and teaching improvement.

3.1. Members: professors, holders, contracted doctor, assistant doctor, associate and teachers linked to equivalent categories.

3.2. Collaborators: contracted personnel in charge of projects, pre- and post-doctoral students, doctoral students, honorary professors, administration and service personnel.

3.3. Temporary collaborators: teaching staff from other centres of any official educational level.

In one line or several.

- To belong to a Department of the University of Murcia.


- It must have a minimum of three members including the coordinator.


- The coordinator must be a full time teacher and must have at least five years (5 years full time or 10 years part time)


- Collaborating staff as a whole may not exceed 50% of the participants listed as members.

You can only participate in one GID

The coordinator must submit an application in the INNOVAGID application, which must be signed by all participants. The application will include the name of the GID, the participants, the lines of action, etc.

- Change of coordinator.


- Registration/discharge of members, collaborators, temporary collaborators.


- Change or addition of lines.


- Change or denomination of the GID.


The application will require the necessary signatures.

Requested by the coordinator through INNOVAGID, when the innovative production does not reach a minimum in the period of time indicated in the call or when the GID does not have the minimum of three members required for its creation.

Yes, in the INNOVAGID application it will be possible to request the certificates both by the coordinator and by those interested individually.

- To be checked (Audits)


- To the evaluation of the production in each academic year.


- To the extinction of the GID if it does not comply with the production.


- To collaborate with the Innovation Unit and the Training Centre in training actions and dissemination of innovation experiences.


- To commit to improving the quality of university education.