Results of innovation groups


Promoting the activities of the Teaching Innovation Groups (GID) of the University of Murcia is a priority of the management team of the University of Murcia, in general, and of the Vice-rectorate of Studies, in particular. Until 2021, the University of Murcia has launched three calls for aid to the GID. Since 2018, the Innovation Unit has made a very important commitment to actively collaborate in the organization of training seminars for the GID with the Centre for Training and Professional Development (CFDP) and innovation conferences in collaboration with Estudios Propios. These activities have allowed the visibility of these GIDs to be increased and have boosted the teaching innovation of the University of Murcia.

The budget allocated by the University of Murcia to finance the GID has enabled a wide range of teaching innovation activities to be set up. The following table describes the main milestones reached by these groups.

Main results of the GID of the UMU since 2014

Resultados GID 2022



It should be noted that in the period 2014-2022, the participants have published 705 articles and 608 book chapters on teaching innovation, has developed 57 computer programs, has made 397 stays in educational institutions, has presented papers in 3.206 conferences. These groups have also developed more than 3.679 teaching innovation projects. These projects do not only belong to the University of Murcia's own calls, but they also include those projects in which the University participates with other universities. From these figures, it is clear that the groups of the University of Murcia have made a considerable effort to promote teaching innovation in the University of Murcia.

*This report has been prepared by the Innovation Unit of the University of Murcia. We inform you that any use, disclosure, distribution and/or reproduction of this information without express authorization is strictly forbidden under current legislation.