Facultad de Biología

HORARIO: miércoles 13 de mayo de 2015, a las 12:00

LUGAR: Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Biología

TÍTULO: "Re-defining Scholarly Activity in the age of Big Data using Semantic Technologies"

PONENTE: Dr. Mark Wilkinson (Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas, Madrid)

RESUMEN: An increasing number of studies are revealing that biomedical research is suffering a crisis of non-reproducibility, with some studies finding that more than 70% of peer-reviewed, published research, is not reproducible.  Thus, not only are researchers failing to meet the standards of excellence that "good science" demands of them, but even the traditional quality-checkpoint of peer-review is failing to meet it's mandate, and these flawed studies are being published, often in top-ranking journals.  To put it concisely:  Science appears to be broken, at every level!  In recent years, funding agencies, emergent data-focused journals, and individual Forensic Informatics researchers, have proposed a number of measures that would improve transparency, accuracy, and reproducibility of research, particularly in the age of "Big Data". In my talk, I will walk the audience through the problem to more clearly understand its scope and nature, will present a high-level overview of the measures proposed to address these problems, and will finally describe SHARE and NanoPublications, that are being combined in my laboratory in an attempt to improve the situation.

IDIOMA: inglés