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(1629) Helen Cosmos
Tue, 29 August 2023 20:09:45 +0000

I had lost so much money in cryptocurrency until i met Mighty Hacker Yuri.
Hi, My name is Helen Cosmos. it was 6 months ago these all started, i saw an advert to invest in cryptocurrency by one EXPRESS CRYPTO INVESTMENT. I did infact invest up to $530,647.88 only to find out it was a ponzi scheme! I became depressed but just 2 days ago i met with Mighty Hacker Yuri and i received all my lost cryptocurrency back and even was taught how to defend myself against such cyber predators. Thank You Mighty Hacker Yuri.
mightyyuri @ consultant . com
+1,828,630,8408 (WhatsAp)

(1628) Betty Frank
Tue, 29 August 2023 20:05:24 +0000

It would be beneficial for organizations to function with the same level of openness, reliability, and trust as Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery. I adhered to them after losing $100,000 of my savings to a self-described broker. Attempting to get my account back was really stressful, and I was very hesitant to start trusting people again. I grudgingly gave Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery a shot after reading internet reviews. They used innovative blockchain investigation methods to assist me recover the money I lost after being scammed via email. I'm pleased that I gave Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery an effort since they did a phenomenal job and are more than capable of resolving many typical bitcoin issues. Avoid wasting your time on amateur hackers by contacting Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery Contact: prowizardgilbertrecovery(At)
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 418‑1326
Page Site:

(1627) Gina Price
Tue, 29 August 2023 12:59:53 +0000


E-mail: Spyweb@Cyberdude. com
Whats App: +1 213 - 723 - 6292

Hi everyone, I'm Gina Price and I'm from Perth,Australia. I’m truly grateful for the service of Spyweb Cyber Security Service, who was able to help me recover my Bitcoin that I sent to the wrong wallet address.
A while ago, I was going to send Bitcoin worth $197,000 to my colleague at work but I mistakenly sent it to the wrong address, I was completely devastated but fortunately for me, I was introduced to Spyweb Cyber Security Service by my colleague and I contacted them immediately to assist me in recovering my bitcoins. I provided the wallet address and a copy of the transaction, and within 48 hours, Spyweb Cyber Security Service was able to recover my Bitcoin. Truly amazing service and I highly recommend their services to anyone who wishes to recover their cryptocurrency funds.
Good luck

(1626) Gideon Otto
Mon, 28 August 2023 20:26:02 +0000


A few weeks ago, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when a request popped up, I was contacted by a man called Jerry who claimed to be an account manager on an investment platform. I was not convinced easily but I later gave in when he promised me huge profits from my investment in a short amount of time. I thought thoroughly about it and decided to invest some money into it, I was fooled by their website which showed that my investment had doubled, unfortunately, I invested more money to the tune of $890,000.
I lost everything to these scammers, While I was being suicidal and broke, an old friend of mine did some research and found out about Spyweb Cyber Security, a company that specializes in cryptocurrency recovery. I was not going to be easily manipulated again so it took me some time to contact Spyweb Cyber Security, I was moved by their professionalism and their services in the past for many other clients.
I provided all the information about the scam to Spyweb Cyber Security who was able to trace and help me recover my cryptocurrency funds. I’m super grateful for their assistance and top-notch service. Spyweb Cyber Security is the best cryptocurrency recovery platform. I highly recommend them

Their Contact Info:
Whats(App): + 1-(213)-(7236292)

(1625) Nicole Kidman
Mon, 28 August 2023 17:53:54 +0000

Hi everyone my name is Nicole Kidman from Las Vegas and I am here to also give gratitude to Dr Isikolo whom God used to savage my situation and restore the joy and happiness in my home. I lost my husband to a lady abroad when he went to work in the same region where she lives. I never knew all that happened till a friend of mine sent me photos of both together and it was known to me after then that it was the reason why my husband grew cold towards me and left me behind. My husband was hypnotized and mind controlled and I knew everything when I contacted Dr Isikolo when I searched for help and found none. He assured me of his return and having our love and happiness restored back which he did and the result started manifesting after 48 hours. Now I have my man back and I can't thank Dr Isikolo enough for his honesty and support. Just text him via WhatsApp +2348133261196 or email him via: or read more about him via his website (

(1624) Olivia
Sun, 27 August 2023 22:46:20 +0000

When you have the right resources, nothing is unsolvable otherwise. Craker cyberdude has demonstrated success at recovering all types of lost bitcoin, from losing one's bitcoin wallet to recovering bitcoin. I swiftly changed my wallet after realizing that my prized possessions had been taken without the permission of me. I raced to Craker cyberdude while trying to identify a solution to stop and unplug this thief and ultimately succeeded to get back my wallet and the bitcoin that had already been taken out of it. When it comes to their craft,Craker cyberdude is just amazing. To communicate with them effectively, please use the details provided below.
Thank you.

(1623) Cheryl Edward
Sun, 27 August 2023 20:18:07 +0000

Greetings to everybody! The worst times of my life have been happening to me. Just over two weeks ago, I was contemplating whether I could go on living after losing everything I had ever saved in a cryptocurrency investment fraud. We all understand how it feels to lose any optimism, thereby I won't go into specifics.  I'm here to restore your faith and let you know that there is still hope for you to recover your lost dollars thanks to Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery. When I most needed it,
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery came to my aid and helped me recover my money. Please do not hesitate to contact Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery if you need assistance by sending a request through: Contact: prowizardgilbertrecovery(At)
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 418‑1326

(1622) Barrister Richard
Sun, 27 August 2023 18:05:06 +0000

I feel like giving up whenever I think about how I was scammed by these online crypto investors who are liars, they scammed me of my money $659,000 and I felt so bad about that, I hate liars I discussed these issues with one of my friends and he told me he had been in this kind of a situation before but he met a good hacker agency that recovers all his money. Immediately he told me about the Adrian Lamo Hacker Agency I quickly email them and they got all my money recovered I felt like I was dreaming until I saw all my money in my account. I was very happy and excited I got my money back because I never thought I could get my money back. I do advise anyone in this type of a situation to worry no more and consult Adrian Lamo Hacker
via email:

(1621) Lucas Dahmer
Sat, 26 August 2023 10:06:17 +0000

Most Competent and Reliable Crypto Recovery Expert; Captain WebGenesis.

Ever been a scam victim and after being swindled you are left in Dilemma of what will be the next step to take. I had lost a considerable sum of money to a Fake online investment scheme, Early last month I had invested A sum of $394,520 worth of Crypto and losing my funds was the last thing in my mind as I made that investment. Special thanks to this Cyber lord Captain WebGenesis who came through my aid and was able to recover my lost Crypto. His services are highly professional. Submit your case to Captain WebGenesis through;
Mail ( and have your Crypto Recovered Back.
WhatsApp +1 (447) 442-0456.

(1620) darvis montes
Sat, 26 August 2023 07:38:07 +0000

Rychlá půjčka: cz
Mám kapitál, který bude sloužit k poskytování krátkodobých a dlouhodobých zvláštních půjček od 50000 Kč do 500.000.000 Kč pro každého, kdo chce, aby byl tento úvěr vážný. Zájem ve výši 2% ročně v závislosti na půjčené částce, protože zejména nechceme porušovat zákon. Můžete splácet až 3 až 30 let v závislosti na výši úvěru. Je na vás, abyste prováděl měsíční platby. Požaduji pouze uznání certifikovaného ručně dlužného dluhu a některé části jsou také potřebné