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(1545) Sarah Breezy
Tue, 8 August 2023 17:35:19 +0000

Let me introduce myself I'm Sarah Breezy from Berlin A friend of mine recommended Wizard Brixton to me when I had issues with my Investment. I invested with a broker trade site where I ended up paying more just to withdraw my profit which I paid capital for.
After being convinced of paying 7 times the fee I noticed it is all fraud and these scammers never give up until one has to stop by itself. I lose €305,391.04 Euro to this bitcoin trade broker's scam after I noticed I was being used and scammed I asked for help from a friend called Günter Karl she referred me to Wizard Brixton
and I wrote to wizardbrixton AT Gmail DOT com and then explained everything to him, he responded fast and I decided to work with him, in less than 72 hours I received my lost funds. All thanks to Wizard Brixton who gave me back my life again. WhatsApp Wizard Brixton for your recover of Bitcoin or Usdt coin contact them on (wizardbrixton at Gmail dot com)

(1544) darvis montes
Tue, 8 August 2023 15:59:21 +0000

Speciální nabídka rychlé půjčky Dobrý den, jsem fyzická osoba nabízející půjčky po celé ČR. Mít kapitál, který bude použit na poskytování krátkodobých i dlouhodobých půjček mezi fyzickými osobami v rozmezí od 40 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč všem vážným lidem, kteří to opravdu potřebují, úroková sazba je 3% Poskytuji půjčky Finanční, Home půjčka, investiční půjčka, auto, osobní půjčka. Jsem připraven uspokojit své zákazníky maximálně do 1 dne od obdržení vaší přihlášky. E-mailem:

(1543) Dutton Michael
Tue, 8 August 2023 15:03:49 +0000

After recognizing that an outflow of $300,000 worth of Bitcoin had occurred without my approval from my wallet, I understood that my wallet had been hijacked. I was very interested in discovering what had happened and getting my Bitcoin back at any length it will take. The 12-word seed phrase data that came from the wallet was stolen after they gained access to my email, but I still don't know how it all transpired in such a hurry because all I did was click a link from a purchase order confirmation. To obtain some guidance on how I can get my stolen Bitcoin back, I promptly contacted a coworker who is knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies. With luck on my side, he was able to give me the contact to Cyber Genie which is: ( Cybergenie(@)Cyberservices. com )( +) (1 2)(52)(51)(20)(391). I couldn't regain my crypto till I contacted Cyber Genie. After I explained everything to Cyber Genie, they were able to recover my crypto. At first, I didn't believe this was even feasible or achievable because most of the articles I read while surfing the net for help on how to recover stolen Bitcoin mostly say that Bitcoin cannot be traced or recovered, but Cyber Genie Int'l saved a poor widow. Nothing in the realm of hacking, in my opinion, is tough for Cyber Genie..

Dutton Michael.

(1542) Aisha
Tue, 8 August 2023 02:23:37 +0000

These group of RECOVERY EXPERT HACKERS helped my family in securing a loan and they also helped me in securing a university title in one of the best university in the world i'm saying a very big thank you to them contact them now : Alphakey@consultant.comWhatsapp:+12179740043Website:
-Recovery of funds from fake FOREX/BINARY TRADING

-Retrieval of fraudulent funds

-Bank Transfer service

-CASH-APP Loading



- Money, recovery from any country in the world

- Change of university degrees

- Spying of all social media account within

- Sales of Blank ATM and Credit Cards

- Sales of university Titles originals.

- We make the accreditation of account without any traces

- Clearing of bank debts............

- University title offer and so many others ...

Despite all odds these internet gurus have proven themselves worthy to be called a professional Cyber terrorist ... Once again I beat up my chest to confess that these groups of cyber gurus are reliable and satisfactory .....ALPHA KEY

(1541) matthew
Tue, 8 August 2023 00:10:41 +0000

Extremely excellent and grea||||||
Are we safe? That's the question I keep on asking, the internet is becoming more unsafe and so many unethical people derive joy from defrauding victims whenever they can. I have fallen victim to their scam tactics and lost 300,000 dollars worth of Bitcoins from my Binance account after I tried to invest in cryptocurrency. I was unlucky to be one of the many victims who have fallen prey to these scam artists, with their usual tactics of cryptocurrency manipulation. My advice to everyone out there is to be cautious and seek enough information before investing in cryptocurrency. I would be in serious financial trouble and probably would have lost my house without the intervention of cryptotechguru67 Recovery Home, a cryptocurrency and digital currency recovery company, I was very fortunate to be referred to them by my cousin who was a client of Cryptotechguru67 Recovery Home for many years back. It was remarkable that a team of cyber security professionals and ethical hackers was able to recover my funds for me. I’m grateful for their service and I recommend Ghrama Murry to everyone out there. Kindly contact them if you need their services. Cryptotechguru67 At Gmail. I contact them and they promised to help me to get my money back, they asked me some personal details of the scammer which I provided. The result was amazing I recovered all my stolen money back. This is my Bitcoin Investment Experience.

(1540) Annrose Carol
Mon, 7 August 2023 18:44:16 +0000
url  email

Lost Bitcoin? Reclaim Your Funds Today!
Don't let your lost Bitcoin stay lost. Francisco Hacker specializes in recovery services and can assist you in retrieving your funds. Act now and contact them to get started. With their expertise and proven methods, they've helped numerous clients successfully recover their lost Bitcoin. Trust the team to guide you through the process and bring back what's rightfully yours. Don't wait any longer. Take control of your financial future and reach out to them today. work with them to recover your lost Bitcoin and restore your peace of mind. Email: Franciscohack(@)

Wishing you the best,

(1539) Marvelyn Evans
Mon, 7 August 2023 18:34:18 +0000

Hello everyone, my name is Marvelyn Evans. For quite some time, My husband was living in another apartment due to work pressure and we were very much happy together even though he stayed apart from us for some months. Little did i know a colleague from work was already having an affair with him which made my husband file a divorce against me out of nowhere. I knew something was wrong because we never had to fight or argue that much to make him leave. I was traumatized and i search for help to tackle the situation which led me to DR ISIKOLO from praises people showered on him online. We discussed at length and he told everything I needed to know about what happened and the due process to fix the problems. He fulfilled his promises and got my husband back to me and the divorce process was canceled. Now my husband is back home to us and we are happy together. Its indeed amazing how people can genuinely help other people when they are in need. He can help you too. Just text him via WhatsApp +2348133261196

(1538) Lowrie Julian
Mon, 7 August 2023 16:46:40 +0000

My name is Lowrie Julian and currency marketing has changed my life both positively and negatively. I was first introduced to it by a friend who knew a broker that deals with Crypto trade. For a start I deposited $2000 to test and in three days I got a return of $19,500. I then convinced my family to loan me their savings even close friends and colleagues expecting huge profits. I waited for some time and nothing came through. I called the broker and his number was off. Checked all his sites but was nowhere to be seen. I involved the authorities but it was all in vain. Then I read about Cyber Retrieve online. I saw so many recommendations and was convinced to try them. They gave me their word and provided all the necessary details. All I can say when next I opened my Bitcoin wallet and saw my portfolio of $2.5m+ I was overjoyed. Their diligence and honesty is undeniable. THANK YOU CYBER RETRIEVE
Whats app: +(716)5454535

(1537) Daniel
Mon, 7 August 2023 16:05:17 +0000
url  email


Recovering lost Bitcoin can require unique hacking skills and expertise that are possessed by only a handful of professional hackers. While there are many recovery websites out there, it’s important to be cautious as 99% of them are operated by scammers who try to appear legitimate. Instead, it’s best to seek out a trusted hacker like Recovery Masters who can help you recover your funds. They were able to recover $355k worth of BTC that I had lost to bitcoin mining. To get in touch with Recovery Masters, you can contact them through
WhatsApp +1(204)819-5505

(1536) spencer minor
Mon, 7 August 2023 10:50:02 +0000

Hello Everyone. I want to give major thanks to Mighty Hacker Yuri for recovering my stolen cryptocurrency. I was involved in a Ponzi Scheme where my total investment to the platform was $89,450 and a scammer by the name Cole Vincent stole all invested money. I came across Mighty Hacker Yuri and told him of my problem and he assured me that my funds would be recovered and he delivered on his promise. A great big thanks to Mighty Hacker Yuri, your simplicity and competence can't be overemphasized. Thank you once again, Contact Mighty Yuri for all related problems.
+1,8,2,8,6,3,0,8,4,0,8 (WhatsAp)