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(399) jarlinson mercy
Thu, 9 June 2022 23:52:08 +0000

Conocí a piratas informáticos profesionales más allá de la imaginación humana, me complace anunciar al mundo sobre sus habilidades de piratería que solo los clientes serios pueden CONTACTAR =  UNLIMITEDWEBHACKERS@GMAIL.COM
WHATSAPP =   +13185287717
ha pasado hasta 2 décadas en la profesión de Hacking como una leyenda y su reputación sigue siendo la misma positivamente... La gente lo elige porque no falla en la entrega... Ofrece complementos de software rápidos sin notificaciones de bases de datos... ofrecer todas las formas de servicios de piratería que no se limitan a lo siguiente;
-Carga de Bitcoin
-Eliminación de la puntuación de crédito anterior
-Tarjeta de cajero automático en blanco ilimitada con código de seguimiento para recoger
-eliminar videos de Youtube o aumentar las vistas
-transferencia escolar y falsificación de certificados
-Verificar cuentas para transferencia de Paypal e inicios de sesión bancarios
-Hackear el sistema judicial y borrar antecedentes penales.
- Minería Bitcoin
-Entrega con tarjeta de crédito
-Mejora de calificaciones escolares
-hackeo de facebook
-Hackear Whatsapp
-Ubicación IP
- Borra la mala conducción
-Hackear inicios de sesión bancarios
Y otros innumerables servicios, pero no gratis... lo entrega perfectamente sin ningún arrepentimiento por parte de ningún cliente... CONTACT= UNLIMITEDWEBHACKERS@GMAIL.COM
WHATSAPP =   +13185287717
en verdad él está entre los gurús mundiales de Internet... porque tu sonrisa es la suya son la felicidad .................................. .................................................... ..........................

(398) lucia
Thu, 9 June 2022 18:55:39 +0000

Me gustaría compartir contigo la historia de cómo pude recuperar mis fondos robados. Mi teléfono sonó un día mientras preparaba el almuerzo. Un número desconocido estaba al otro lado de la línea. Después de unos minutos al teléfono, la persona que llamó me informó que había robado dinero de mi cuenta y que no podía hacer nada al respecto. Le dije a un amigo que trabaja como EXPERTO en tecnología en una industria conocida. Prometió ayudarme en mi búsqueda de una salida y me presentó a un genio de la tecnología llamado Swavroski. Recibí todo mi dinero, para mi sorpresa. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a este número +(132)39257-283 o envíe un correo electrónico a "" si ha sido víctima de un estafador.

(397) Muatafahackers
Tue, 7 June 2022 12:34:47 +0000

MUSTAFAHACKGROUP is an experienced professional Private Hacking Organization based in Germany,and USA that are part of the Elite Darkweb community,with an improved Algorithm penetration softwares of master class.
Contact email address -
whatsApp contact +19374909686 .
We render the following services and more at affordable prices;
- School grades changing and upgrading
- loading Bank accounts,hack Funds transfer, Bitcoin loading,Credit card loading and credit score upgrade etc.
- Erase criminal records hack
- WhatsApp hack, Messengers hack, Text Messages hack and other social media hack to check the activities of your spouse, kiddies, employees etc.
- Facebook hack
- Twitters hack
- Email accounts hack
- Grade Changes hack
-Online hacking lectures
We render LOANS of any amount only with serious customers
- Website crashed hack
- Stolen or Lost BTC, TBC and ETH recovery
- server crashed hack
- Skype hack
- Databases hack
- Word Press Blogs hack
- Individual computers hack
- Control devices remotely hack
-Online records changes
- Burner Numbers hack
-Location navigation
- Verified Paypal Accounts hack
- Any social media account hack
- Android & iPhone Hack
- Text message interception hack
- Email interception hack
- Untraceable IP
The verified pirated PayPal accounts
- we load credit card , etc
- Sales of Blank ATM cards
- Western union/money gram funds transfer
-money flip up.
Beware of these impostors who publish online as hackers, be warned.
Need any service not listed above? feel free to contact us, our services are unlimited.
Best of all we provide a 100% guarantee.
Contact us now@ ,whatsApp contact +19374909686 For your endless possibilities.

Gravatar (396) Charlotte Ava
Mon, 6 June 2022 07:54:29 +0000


HELLO, I've been searching for help on how to get my ex-lover back that broke up with me 2 years ago... I was traumatized by the breakup and nearly wanted to commit suicide but I thank God that I got the contact with Priest Leo the spiritual father that helped me to get back my ex-lover after much searching for help from different places. When I got in touch with Priest Leo, I explained everything to him so he gave me his words of encouragement and told me that he was going to prepare a spell for me that will help me get back my ex-lover within 24 hours and I believed in his words for I was referred to him by a friend who he helped and right now, my ex-lover is back and we are living happily together to get married next month. If you need any assistance whatsoever like getting a lover back, lottery winning spell, black magic spell E.T.C. Then, I suggest that you get in touch with Priest Leo now through his website his contact (+1 661 525 4146) or Email:

Gravatar (395) Ann Earnis
Sun, 5 June 2022 22:22:53 +0000


This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who helped me ... I'm Ann Earnis from North Carolina USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please I want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, I advise you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real, he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tells is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is or directly on whats-app +2348124644470 facebook page: ./..

Gravatar (394) Ann Earnis
Sun, 5 June 2022 22:16:18 +0000


This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who helped me ... I'm Ann Earnis from North Carolina USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please I want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, I advise you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real, he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tells is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is or directly on whats-app +2348124644470 facebook page:

(393) Heather Walter
Sat, 4 June 2022 09:00:51 +0000
url  email

GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD ... Whatsapp: +18033921735

I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich.(DWCHZONE@GMAIL.COM) I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 250,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.

You can also contact them for the service below

* Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer Hack

* Bank Transfer Hack

* PayPal / Skrill Transfer Hack

* Crypto Mining Hack

* CashApp Transfer Hack


Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735


(392) Heather Walter
Sat, 4 June 2022 09:00:28 +0000

GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD ... Whatsapp: +18033921735

I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich.(DWCHZONE@GMAIL.COM) I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 250,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.

You can also contact them for the service below

* Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer Hack

* Bank Transfer Hack

* PayPal / Skrill Transfer Hack

* Crypto Mining Hack

* CashApp Transfer Hack


Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735


(391) thomas mercy
Fri, 3 June 2022 00:11:37 +0000

Conocí a piratas informáticos profesionales más allá de la imaginación humana, me complace anunciar al mundo sobre sus habilidades de piratería que solo los clientes serios pueden CONTACTAR =  UNLIMITEDWEBHACKERS@GMAIL.COM
WHATSAPP =   +13185287717
ha pasado hasta 2 décadas en la profesión de Hacking como una leyenda y su reputación sigue siendo la misma positivamente... La gente lo elige porque no falla en la entrega... Ofrece complementos de software rápidos sin notificaciones de bases de datos... ofrecer todas las formas de servicios de piratería que no se limitan a lo siguiente;
-Carga de Bitcoin
-Eliminación de la puntuación de crédito anterior
-Tarjeta de cajero automático en blanco ilimitada con código de seguimiento para recoger
-eliminar videos de Youtube o aumentar las vistas
-transferencia escolar y falsificación de certificados
-Verificar cuentas para transferencia de Paypal e inicios de sesión bancarios
-Hackear el sistema judicial y borrar antecedentes penales.
- Minería Bitcoin
-Entrega con tarjeta de crédito
-Mejora de calificaciones escolares
-hackeo de facebook
-Hackear Whatsapp
-Ubicación IP
- Borra la mala conducción
-Hackear inicios de sesión bancarios
Y otros innumerables servicios, pero no gratuitos... lo entrega perfectamente sin ningún arrepentimiento por parte de ningún cliente... CONTACT= UNLIMITEDWEBHACKERS@GMAIL.COM
WHATSAPP =   +13185287717
en verdad él está entre los gurús mundiales de Internet... porque tu sonrisa es la suya son la felicidad .................................. ..........................................................

(390) Wesley Derek
Wed, 1 June 2022 08:33:12 +0000

I was thinking of what to tell my Parent about my University grade because I failed woefully not until I search for a solution and I saw a lot of testimony posts about this Hacker Wizard Web Recovery, I contact him and I explain my problem to him and he promise to help me change my grade so after he asks me some few questions and collected my details he asks me to message him after 6 hours so I did then he told me to go and check my grade in the school portal I was amazed at what I saw and I can proudly tell my parent about my grades, you can also contact him if you need such help, his work is swift and very affordable Contact Him Through Email: or WhatsApp: +1 (917) 725-3296‬)