
Profesión/Cargo Académico: Investigador Post-doctoral UMR 7209 «Archéozoologie, Archéobotanique : Sociétés, Pratiques et Environnements»
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle
Líneas de Investigación: Zooarqueología, biogeoquímica, isótopos estables, gestión ganadera, revolución neolítica
Tesis Doctoral/ Tesina/DEA/TFM: TESIS DOCTORAL: “Estrategias de gestión, explotación y apropiación del ganado en las primeras Sociedades Campesinas del Levante Oriental. Integración de los análisis morfobiométricos y biogequímicos al ejemplo de Tell Halula (Valle Media del Éufrates, República Árabe de Síria)”, Fecha lectura: 27 octubre, 2011. Departament de Prehistòria, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Cualificación: Excelente “Cum laude”.
Principales publicaciones: Selección 5 publicaiones en 4 últimos años:2013 – Tornero, C., Balasescu, A.; Ughetto-Monfrin, J.; Voinea, V. & Balasse, M. “Seasonality and season of birth in early Eneolithic sheep from Cheia (Romania): methodological advances and implications for animal economy”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40:11: 4039-4055. (IF:1’889, Anthropology, 1stQuartile).2013 – Saña, M. & Tornero, C. “Use of animal fibres during the neolithisation in the Middle Euphrates Valley: an Archaeozoological Approach”, Paleorient, 38.1: 81-93.2013 Tornero, C.; Molist, M.; Saña, M. “Evaluating differences in animal consumption patterns from PPNB Houses at Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria)”, in B. De Cupere, V. Linseele & Sh.Hamilton-Dyer (eds), Archaeozoology of the Near East X. Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of South-Western Asia and Ajacent Areas, pp. 27-43.

2011 – Tornero, C & Saña, M. “Integrating stable isotopes to study the origin of management strategies of domestic animals: δ13Cand δ18Oresults from bioapatite enamel of cattle from Tell Halula site, Syria (7800-7000 cal BC)”, in E. Turbanti-Memmi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Siena 2008, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 435-440.

2010 – Tornero, C. “Stable isotope analyses in archaeozoology: methodological considerations and examples of integration using gazelles and cattle from the Neolithic site of Tell Halula  (Middle Eufrates Valley, Republic of Syria)”.in Hala Alarashi et al., (Eds.). Regards croisés sur l’étude archéologique des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le Bassin méditerranéen, en Asie centrale et au Proche et au Moyen-Orient. Actes des rencontres internationales Broadening Horizons / Élargir les Horizons 2., Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, pp. 163-180.

Experiencia en
DIRECTION AND PARTICIPATION IN FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS- Participation as co-PI in 5 national Funded Research Projects- Participation as researcher in 20 international Funded Research Projects


– Direction as co-PI in 10 Archaeological Field Missions

– Participation as researcher member of in 12 international Archaeological Field Missions

Otros Méritos: – Professional acreditations for teaching activities2013 – Qualification Maîtres de conferences (MQF) and Maîtres de conferences du Muséum national d’Histoire Naturelle (MQF) in Section 20 (Prehistory, Anthropology, Ethnology), by the Universities National Council (CNU) in France. Codes MCF: 13220248826 and MCM13420248826. – Stances in foreigner centers of research

[1] National Museum of Romanian History, Bucharest and National History and Archaeology Museum, Constantza (ROMANIA).

[2] Laboratory of Archaeological Chemistry, Department of Anthropology. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, Wisconsin (USA).

[3]. Musée National de Damas. Direction Géneral des Antiquités et des Musées de Syrie. (Departament of Archaeology). Damascus (ARAB REPUBLIC OF SYRIA).

[4]. Laboratory of Archaeology. Prehistory Section, University of Istanbul. Istanbul (TURKEY).


– Member of 1 International scientific research group

[1[. 2016-2008 – Member of GDRE-BIOARCH “Groupement De Recherche Européen”. Bioarchaeological Investigations of the Interactions betwen Holocene Human Societies and their Environment”. IP: Dr. Keith Dobney (University of Aberdeen, Scotland) and Dr. Jean-Denis Vigne (UMR 7209, París).

[2].  2012-2014 – Member of  DC2P2D  “Derniers chasseurs, premiers producteurs, domestication, diffusion”, at UMR 7209 (MNHN), Paris. IP: Dr. Anne Tresset.

[3]. 2014-2007 – Member of SAPPO “Seminari d’Arqueologia Prehistòrica del Pròxim Orient”. Catalan Council of Universities and Research (Agencia Catalana de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca). Generalitat de Catalunya, Government of Catalonia (Spain). IP: Dr. Miquel Molist. (2007 SGR 211; 2009 SGR 607; 2011 SGR 123). http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/sappo/

[4]. 2015-2008 – Member of GRLA “Grup de Recerca del Laboratori d’Arqueozoologia”. Autonomous University of Barcelona. IP: Dr. Maria Saña (Code 792). Since 2008 until 2015. http://arqueozoologia.uab.cat/Pagina_Inicial.html


– Member of scientific research Organitzations

[1]. Since 2006 – Member of ASWA (Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia Working Group), ICAZ’s group of research.

[2]. Since 2007 – Member of ZOOARCH: International social meia network in for zooarchaeological research.

[3]. Since 2008  – Member of ICAZ: International Council for Archaeozoology.


– Participation in 39 Congresses, Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

– Participation in 6 invited international conferences

– Participation in 14 international conferences

– Participation in 6 national conferences

– Participation in 13 conferences with Poster contribution

Enlaces de Interés: http://archeozoo-archeobota.mnhn.fr/spip.php?article172