About us: CEPOAT

The CEPOAT is an investigation and studies center of the University of Murcia, previously known as the Institute of Ancient Near East Studies (IPOA). Our work centers its development on the field of Orientalism, from teaching, researching, making science and creating archaeological activity.

As IPOA, it began in 1989 under the LRU, but the new legal requirements (LOU) made it necessary to rename the institution, so by 2011, the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Late Antiquity was born. Our teaching and research areas are the Ancient Near/Middle East, Ancient Egypt, the Classical World and the Late Antiquity.

· The research in our center of studies is done through field activities and a major diversity of projects, whereas the teaching part is done through our virtual classroom (Moodle style), were we impart a large variety of Ancient History and Archaeology online courses. Presential courses take place at our Center of Studies.

· The existance of such a Center of Studies in the University of Murcia is justified by the nature of these studies: highly specialized and extremely complex, with very high demands on the linguistic and cultural aspects of History research.

CEPOAT objectives are:

1. To promote teaching on issues that focus the work of the Centre for Study: Ancient Near East, hot springs and Late Antiquity.

2. To promote research on issues that focus the work of the Centre of Studies: Ancient Near East, hot springs and Late Antiquity.

3. Perform publications and collaborate to the diffusion of knowledge, research, documentation and information concerning the Ancient Near East, hot springs and Late Antiquity.

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