Monthly Archives: 12:53 PM

The orientation of “Mplus” intraocular lenses should be changed for each patient

Recent research that the CiViUM carried out in colaboration with the department of Optics of the University of La Laguna has been published in one of the most prestigious journals of ophtalmology, the Journal of Refractive Surgery. It consisted of the simulation of the effects of a multifocal, assimetrical lens (Mplus) on vision when it was implanted in different orientations into the human eye.


The results indicate that when the surgery is personalized for each patient, an improvement of visual quality within the range from 20% to 121% can be achieved. This work may change the paradigm of premium cataract surgery, allowing for a significant improvement of results in the majority of patients. Link to the original article: here.

Method for in vitro assessment of straylight from intraocular lenses

Ocular straylight has been measured by means of psychophysical methods over the years. This approach gives a functional parameter yielding a straight comparison with optically defined light scattering, and the Point Spread Function. This is of particular importance when the effect of intraocular lenses (IOLs) on postoperative straylight is sought. An optical system for straylight measurements of IOLs was adapted to a commercial device (C-Quant, Oculus), which employs such psychophysical method. A measurement principle of the proposed by the CiViUM group methodology along with the results of different IOL models have been recently published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics Express (G. Łabuz, F. Vargas-Martín, T.J.T.P. van den Berg, N. López-Gil, “Method for in vitro assessment of straylight from intraocular lenses,” Biomed. Opt. Express 6, 4457-4464)

The CiViUM in the 15th International Myopia Conference in Wenzhou, China

Researchers at CiViUM presented their first experimental results on the effect of high-order aberrations in dynamic accommodation and a theoretical optical explanation for the larger lag found in myopes in comparison with emmetropes or hyperopes at The 15th International Myopia Conference that was hold on September 23-27, 2015 in Wenzhou, P. R. China. López-Gil et al. showed that clinical experiments can easily avoid artifactual apparent lag of perfectly accommodating axial myopic eye by choosing the appropriate reference plane.

Grupo CiViUM en Wenzhou, China.

Marín-Franch et al. presented the experimental results on effect of astigmatism and spherical aberration in dynamic accommodation. From these early stage results, astigmatism seemed to give cues for the sign of defocus in 2 out of 5 subject eyes, whereas spherical aberration did not. These are the first experimental results obtained with the MurciAO (the Murcia adaptive optics system in CiViUM’s lab) for the ERC project ERC-­2012­‐StG­‐309416­‐SACCO entitled “Signals for Accommodative Responses in Humans”, made in collaboration with the GIO group at the Universitat de Valencia and Phil Kruger from SUNY in New York. More information here.

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")