Monthly Archives: 08:39 PM

Myopes accommodate more than hyperopes

Imagine two eyes with the same optics that change their lens exactly the same during accommodation, but one has a larger vitreous chamber length than the other (i.e. one is myope and the other is hyperope): do they accommodate the same? The answer is NO. The one with a larger vitreous chamber length (myope) accommodates more! We show why in this article published in IOVS.

Novel methodology to improve visual quality

If the optics of an eye shows part that produces deteriorated retinal images, why not to hide them instead to corrected their optics? That is the simple solutions that we have proposed in this article published in Biomedical Optics Express. We spatially modulating the amplitude of light passing into the eye (related to the eye’s transmittance), in contrast to traditional correction of the wavefront phase (related to the local refractive power). Numerical simulations show that masking the aberrated areas at the pupil plane should enhance visual function, especially in highly aberrated eyes. This correction could be implemented in practice using customized contact or intraocular lenses.
Figure 1

8 studies presented in the worldwide largest Vision meeting (ARVO2016, Seattle)

Several members and collaborators from CiViUM have presented recently some research studies in the Annual Meeting organized by the Association for the çResearch in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), celebrated in Seattle (WA, USA).


The papers and posters presented were:

  • G. Labuz et al. Straylight from explanted intraocular lenses.
  • E. Papadatou et al. Assessing the optical quality of commercially available intraocular lenses by means of modulation transfer function and straylight.
  • J. Zapata-Diaz et al. Impact of higher-order aberrations on depth-of-field.
  • I. Marin-Frach et al. Does dynamic accommodation respond to the shape of the blurred retinal image without changes in physical vergence?
  • P. Bernal-Molina et al. Effect of phenylephrine on static and dynamic accommodation.
  • N. Lopez-Gil et al. Retinal blood vessels may be used to detect the sign of defocus.
  • S. Bonaque-Gonzalez et al. Improving vision by pupil shape optimization. (Awarded with a ARVO travel grant).
  • M. Jaskulski et al. Retinal Image Simulation and Image Quality Estimation of MPlus Multi-Focal IOL’s Based on Aberrometric Data.

Link for the full abstracts:

Summer Course on Current Aspects of Vision with professors Arthur Bradley and Feng Xu of the University of Indiana

Between the 2 and the 4 of september, in the beautiful locale of Águilas (Murcia) we will celebrate the XIII edition of the Summer Course on the Current Aspects of Vision. Various professors and vision professionals will give talks and practical workshops, and there also a round table will be held where all of the important questions about clinical practice will be answered. This year we have the pleasure of hosting the professors Arthur Bradley and Feng Xu, from the School of Optometry of the University of Indiana, who will tell us about the applications of new technologies to vision.

Unimar 2016
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Just like each year, various commercial companies will finance the stay of the first 30 students inscribed. If interested, please contact:
We are looking forward to seeing you there!

All the best,
Norberto López Gil and Vicente A. Fernández Sánchez (directors of the course).

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")