Students of the Universidad de Mar Learn to Measure the Vison of People with Psychological Disorders

Allowing the students can learn how to measure the vision of people with psychological disorders was one of the goals of the summer course celebrated in Águilas last weekend – XI Summer Course on Actual Aspects of Vision Of the International Universidad del Mar (University of Murcia). The course has united various experts in the fields related to vision, two of them from United States of America and was celebrated in the old Cuartel (police station of the Guardia Civil) in Calabardina (Águilas). This beautiful location belongs to the Asociación Asprodes (Asprodes Society) which has under its care 200 people with physical deficiencies. Thanks to the work of the professors and students of the course, those who need it will be prescribed and given glasses they require. The Asprodes Society has generously granted the organizers of the course the use if the beautiful Cuartel. The course has been organized by the professors of the University of Murcia – Fernández Sánchez and Norberto López Gil.
Alumnos y Profesores del Curso de Aspectos Avanzados en VisionOptometrista Francisco LaraOptometrista Francisco Lara

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")