Category Archives: News

Professor José Manuel González Méijome gives Myopia Progression class to the students of MOAV

During the final week of classes of the Master in Advanced Optometry and Vision (MOAV) given in the University Clinic of Integral Vision (CUVI) of the University of Murcia, professor José Manuel González-Méijome from the University of Minho has given the class on The Control of the Progression of Myopia.


The subject’s goal is to bring the graduate student up to speed with topics related to modern knowledge of the etiology, progression and methods of control of the progression of myopia. Special focus is put on the the subject of prescription of optical means and solutions of proven efficiency to young and infantile patients.

Professor Jose Manuel Méijome imparte la clase de la Progresión de la Miopía para alumnos de MOAVProfessor Jose Manuel Méijome imparte la clase de la Progresión de la Miopía para alumnos de MOAVProfessor Jose Manuel Méijome y los alumnos del MOAV

The last Fourier Optics class given by professor Larry Thibos

During the OC 2015 Conference in Valencia, celebrated on the 7. and 8. of march, professor Larry Thibos from the University of Indiana has given the last clas of the Fourier Optics Course. Among the students there were the members of the European Network AGEYE ITN, two of which are members of the group CIVIUM. As a thank you, the students presented him with a gift t-shirt that quoted the professor saying “You don’t have to be crazy to learn Fourier Optics, but it helps! He received it from the hands of his friend and our group’s director, Norberto Norberto López-Gil.

Professor Larry ThibosProfessor Larry Thibos recibiendo camisetaAlumnos del Curso de Óptica de Fourier

Secret Holidays Message

This Holidays, CiViUM has a secret message hidden in the figure below. Can you discover what it is?


It is demonstrated that objectively we are capable to accommodate more in brighter surroundings

The Optometry and Vision Science (OVS) journal has released a special issue on “Wavefront Refraction and Correction”, where two articles of the members of the CIVIUM were published. In one of them: “Changes in the Objective Amplitude of Accommodation with Pupil Size” the authors (Lara, Francisco; Bernal-Molina, Paula; Fernández-Sánchez, Vicente; López-Gil, Norberto) demonstrate how subjects accommodate more (their amplitude of accommodation is larger) when they are presented with stimuli in an environment with more illumination, which causes the pupil to become smaller.

Students of the Universidad de Mar Learn to Measure the Vison of People with Psychological Disorders

Allowing the students can learn how to measure the vision of people with psychological disorders was one of the goals of the summer course celebrated in Águilas last weekend – XI Summer Course on Actual Aspects of Vision Of the International Universidad del Mar (University of Murcia). The course has united various experts in the fields related to vision, two of them from United States of America and was celebrated in the old Cuartel (police station of the Guardia Civil) in Calabardina (Águilas). This beautiful location belongs to the Asociación Asprodes (Asprodes Society) which has under its care 200 people with physical deficiencies. Thanks to the work of the professors and students of the course, those who need it will be prescribed and given glasses they require. The Asprodes Society has generously granted the organizers of the course the use if the beautiful Cuartel. The course has been organized by the professors of the University of Murcia – Fernández Sánchez and Norberto López Gil.
Alumnos y Profesores del Curso de Aspectos Avanzados en VisionOptometrista Francisco LaraOptometrista Francisco Lara

It is finally demonstrated that the accommodative error is due to the depth of field

Recent research of various members of the CiViUM group, published in the OVS review, shows by means of adaptive optics what was known since a long time but has not been demonstrated so far – the accommodative lag present in every accommodating eye is dependant in its major part on the depth of field of the eye. More details in the article:

CiViUM at the VPOptics Optical Conference in Poland

Various members of the CiViUM presented some of their last research results at the Visual and Physiological Optics 2014 Meeting in the beautiful city of Wroclaw (Poland).

Presented was the following research:

  • J. F. Zapata-Díaz, N. López-Gil (Spain, UK) Accommodation and age-dependent eye model based on in vivo measurements. (Poster).
  • M. Jaskulski, L. Thibos, D. R. Iskander, N. López Gil (Spain, USA, Poland) Modelling of the effects of chromatic aberration on the accommodative response. (Poster).
  • P. Bernal-Molina, J. F. Castejón-Mochón, N. López-Gil (Spain) Refraction changes causes by Stiles-Crawford effect in the presence of spherical aberration: a theoretical study. (Poster).
  • N. López Gil, D. López-Alcón, P. Bernal-Molina, F. Vargas, L. Thibos (Spain, USA) Individual variation in the amplitude of accommodation in subjects with a similar age. (Oral).

Francisco Lara wins international prize

A member of the CiViUM group, Francisco Lara has been granted one of the awards for the best research work presented at the 23º International Conference on Optometry, Contactology and Opthalmology (OPTOM2014), celebrated in Madrid. In his name, the award was received by the director of the group Norberto López-Gil.

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CiViUM at the OPTOM 2014 Conference

Logo Optom 2014
Between the 4. and 6. of april, our research group has participated in the 23. International Conference OPTOM 2014 in Madrid. Our members have given five presentations;

  • Does the amplitude of accomodation change with axial refraction?
  • Does the depth of field of the eye change while the eye accomodates?
  • Feasibility of a new, portable, binocular autorefractometer versus other objective methods of refraction measurement.
  • Influence of the pupil size on the amplitude of accomodation.
  • Do certain aberrations help to have a larger amplitude of accomodation?

Download information about the Presentations of the CiViUM at the OPTOM 2014 (formato pdf, Spanish).

Welcome to the new website of the CiViUM!

The goal of our new website is to facilitate the contact with our group (both for Spanish and English speakers). Connect with us using LinkedIn or Google+ to receive most recent news about publications, conferences or to collaborate with us!

The research carried out by the CiViUM follows two main routes. The first, fundamental one is the study of static and dynamic aspects of the optics of the eye, the mechanism of accomodation and its loss with age (presbyopia). The other route is the design and simulation of optical sistems and their application in Vision (for example of the intra-ocular lenses) and other fields of optics, including photovoltaics and solar systems and catadioptric systems of illumination.

CiViUM participates in various research projects and maintains contacts with companies in the sector of Optics and Ophtalmology.

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")