CiViUM at the VPOptics Optical Conference in Poland

Various members of the CiViUM presented some of their last research results at the Visual and Physiological Optics 2014 Meeting in the beautiful city of Wroclaw (Poland).

Presented was the following research:

  • J. F. Zapata-Díaz, N. López-Gil (Spain, UK) Accommodation and age-dependent eye model based on in vivo measurements. (Poster).
  • M. Jaskulski, L. Thibos, D. R. Iskander, N. López Gil (Spain, USA, Poland) Modelling of the effects of chromatic aberration on the accommodative response. (Poster).
  • P. Bernal-Molina, J. F. Castejón-Mochón, N. López-Gil (Spain) Refraction changes causes by Stiles-Crawford effect in the presence of spherical aberration: a theoretical study. (Poster).
  • N. López Gil, D. López-Alcón, P. Bernal-Molina, F. Vargas, L. Thibos (Spain, USA) Individual variation in the amplitude of accommodation in subjects with a similar age. (Oral).

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")