In Águilas the XII Course of the Current Issues in Vision Science is concluded

During the 4, 5 and 6th of September in Aguilas we celebrated the XII edition of the summer course “Current Issues in Vision Science: The International Year of Light”, directed by professors Vicente Fernández and Norberto López fron the University of Murcia. The course has reunited numerous researchers and professors from the field of vision sciences, including doctor José Manuel González Méijome, from the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) with his talk about the progression of myopia. María Sagrario Millán García Varela from the Technical University of Cataluña gave a talk about the most recent intraocular lenses.
The members of the CIVIUM research group also gave interesting lectures. Diego López Alcón talked about various subjective and objective methods of addition, Vicente Fernández, a great professional in his field, talked about visual rehabilitation of children, and Francisco Lara spoke about the impact of luminosity on close vision. The students also participated in a workshop on refraction.
The next edition of the course awaits us the following year and all the information can be found on the official website (in Spanish) of the Universidad del Mar.

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")