
  1. 46.
    2012Article "Shedding light on night myopia" - N. López-Gil, S.C. Peixoto-de-Matos, L. N. Thibos, J. M. González-Méijome, .J. Vision. 12(5): 4; doi:10.1167/12.5.4
  2. 47.
    2012Article "Simulated Effect of Corneal Asphericity Increase (Q-factor) as a Refractive Therapy for Presbyopia" - A. Amigo, S. Bonaque, N. López-Gil, L. Thibos, J. Refract. Surg. 28(6):413-418.
  3. 48.
    2012Article "In vitro optical performance of nonrotational symmetric and refractive-diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lenses: Impact of tilt and decentration" - R. Montés-Micó, N. López-Gil, Cari Pérez-Vives, S. Bonaque, T. Ferrer-Blasco, J. Cataract Refract. Surg. 38(9):1657-1663
  4. 49.
    2012Article "The potential for and challenges of spherical and chromatic aberration correction with new IOL designs" - N. López-Gil, A. Bradley, Br. J. Ophthalmol; 00:1–2. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2012-302074
  5. 50.
    2012Article "Visual simulation through different IOLs" - D. Madrid-Costa, J. Ruiz-Alcocer, C. Pérez-Vives, N. López-Gil, R. Montés-Micó, Ophthalmology Times Europe. October 01 2012.
  6. 51.
    2012Article "The change of spherical aberration during accommodation and its effect on the accommodation response" - N. López-Gil and V. Fernández-Sánchez, J. Vision. November 12, 2010 10(13): 12; doi:10.1167
  7. 52.
    2012Article "Spherical Aberration and the Sign of Defocus" - Larry Thibos, Arthur Bradley, Tao Liu, Norberto López-Gil, Optom. Vis. Sci. Nov;90(11):1284-9
  8. 53.
    2012Article "Effect of coma and spherical aberration on depht-of-focus measured using adaptative optics and computationally blurred images" - R. Legras, Y. Benard, N. López-Gil, J. Cataract Refract. Surg.; 38(3):458-69
  9. 54.
    2012Article "Effect of simulated IOL tilt and decentration on spherical aberration after hyperopic LASIK for different intraocular lenses" - J. Ruiz-Alcocer, C. Pérez-Vives, D. Madrid-Costa, N. López-Gil, R. Montés-Micó, J. Refract. Surg. ;28(5):327-35
  10. 55.
    2011Article "Optimizing the subjective depth-of-focus with combinations of fourth- and sixth-order spherical aberration" - Y. Benard, N. Lopez-Gil, R. Legras, Vision Research. Dec 8;51(23-24):2471-7
  11. 56.
    2010 "Number of perceptually distinct surface colors in natural scenes" - Marín-Franch I & Foster DH, Journal of Vision, 10(9)
  12. 57.
    2010Article "Subjective depth of field in presence of 4th-order and 6th-order Zernike spherical aberration using adaptive optics technology" - Y. Benard, N. López-Gil, R. Legras, J. Cataract Refract. Surg. Vol. 36, Issue 12, Pages 2129-2138
  13. 58.
    2009 "Approaching ideal observer efficiency in using color to retrieve information from natural scenes" - Foster DH, Marín-Franch I, Amano K, & Nascimento SMC, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 26(11)
  14. 59.
    2009Article "Comparison of partial coherence interferometry and ultrasound for anterior segment biometry" - F. Lara, V. Fernández-Sánchez, N. López-Gil, A. Cerviño, R. Montés-Micó, J. Cataract Refract. Surg.; 35:324–329
  15. 60.
    2009Article "Limitations of the ocular wavefront correction with contact lenses" - N. López-Gil, J. F. Castejón-Mochón, V. Fernández-Sánchez, Vision Research 49, 1729–1737

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")