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    2001Article "Accommodation and Stiles-Crawford effect : theory and a case of study" - P. B. Kruger N. López-Gil L. R. Stark, Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 21(5):339-351
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    1999Article "Real-time double-pass system to study the dynamics of the eye’s optical performance" - J. L. Aragón N. López-Gil P. Artal, Digest of the PhO’99 EOS Topical Meeting on Physiological Optics. 49-50. ISSN 1167-5357
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    1999Article "Spherical aberration and coma on spatial vision" - N. López-Gil, Digest of the PhO’99 EOS Topical Meeting on Physiological Optics. 40-41. ISSN 1167-5357
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    1999Article "Pupil-meter and tracking system based in a fast image processing algorithm" - I. Miró N. López-Gil P. Artal, Progress in Biomedical Optics. SPIE, 2632, 105-109.
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    1998Article "Generation of third-order spherical and coma aberration using radially simmetric fourth-order lenses" - N. López-Gil H.C. Howland B. Howland N. Charman R. Applegate, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 15(9):2563-2571
  7. 82.
    1998Article "Retinal image quality in the human eye as a function of accommodation" - N. López-Gil I. Iglesias P. Artal, Vision Research. 38(19):2897-2907
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    01.11.2012Article "Visual simulation through different IOLs" - D. Madrid-Costa, J. Ruiz-Alcocer, C. Pérez-Vives, N. López-Gil, R. Montés-Micó, Ophthalmology Times Europe

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")