Welcome to the new website of the CiViUM!

The goal of our new website is to facilitate the contact with our group (both for Spanish and English speakers). Connect with us using LinkedIn or Google+ to receive most recent news about publications, conferences or to collaborate with us!

The research carried out by the CiViUM follows two main routes. The first, fundamental one is the study of static and dynamic aspects of the optics of the eye, the mechanism of accomodation and its loss with age (presbyopia). The other route is the design and simulation of optical sistems and their application in Vision (for example of the intra-ocular lenses) and other fields of optics, including photovoltaics and solar systems and catadioptric systems of illumination.

CiViUM participates in various research projects and maintains contacts with companies in the sector of Optics and Ophtalmology.

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")