List of posters

Antonio Cañete: Optimal divisions of a convex body

Thomas Jahn: On the optimal constants in the two-sided Stechkin inequalities

Eduardo Lucas Marín: New Brunn-Minkowski and isoperimetric inequalities for the lattice point enumerator

Francisco Marín Sola: On Grünbaum type inequalities

Fabian Mussnig: Metrics and isometries for convex functions

Christian Richter: On the monotonicity of the isoperimetric quotient for parallel bodies

Adam Sagmeister: Isodiametric problem in the spherical and hyperbolic spaces

Jacopo Ulivelli: Generalizations of Klain’s Theorem to compact sets

Efren Morales Amaya: Characterization of centrally symmetric convex bodies in terms of visual cones