Dra. Cristina Moreno presenta Paper al 3rd European Conference on Politics and Gender

La Doctora Cristina Moreno presenta 3rd European Conference on Politics and Gender celebrado en Barcelona los días 21-23 de Marzo de 2013 el Paper «Public Policy Communication: the case of Gender Policy in Spain» dentro de la Sección: Governance, Institutions and Public Policy, panel: The Multi-Level Governance of Policy Change.



Gobernanza, Instituciones y Políticas públicas

La sección Governance, Institutions and Public Policy, panel: The Multi-Level Governance of Policy Change fue coordinada por María Bustelo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y Francesca Gains (University of Manchester).


Section Description

The study of gender and public policy has developed in the last few years since Mazur (1995) noted the gap between the scholarship on gender and public policy and Lovenduski argued that women in politics make a difference (2004). The understanding of the processes and institutions governing gender policy development and change is flourishing analytically, empirically and methodologically. Analytical developments in theorizing gender policies offer new opportunities to research gender policy demands and development across policy domains, countries and governance regimes. During the last two decades networks such as the Research Network on Gender Politics and the State (RNGS) and European research projects such as MAGEEQ, EQUAPOL, FEMCIT, and QUING have led to analytical developments which have opened up the chance to conduct cross national and cross institutional empirical research in Europe and beyond. New conceptual tools to study governance institutions and the capacity to produce gender policies and integrate a gender perspective have been developed to examine institutional feminism and the interface between state and feminist movements. These and other developments allow the examination of national gender policies and also in multi-level governance, devolved, regional and local governance settings, and through governance processes such as gender mainstreaming.

Empirically research on the engendering of governance, institutions and policy is at the forefront of the examination of current pressing policy concerns and we welcome papers focusing on all substantive policy areas across policy domains including the policies of fiscal retrenchment, for fighting gendered violence, employment and care policies, gender and religiosity, reproductive rights and family policies as well as policy and governance development. The insights drawn from an understanding of intersectionality continues to demand detailed empirical research to uncover the cross cutting and fluid impact of identity politics and policy issues. These analytical and empirical advances are accompanied by methodological developments with researchers developing the use of quantitative and qualitative methods, and an increasing use of mixed methods to harness the advantages and insights from integrated approaches. So we welcome proposals which seek to offer all types of theoretical, analytical, methodological and empirical developments which deal with the processes and institutions governing gender policy development and change.

